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Especies para reforestación en Nicaragua (Species for Reforestation in Nicaragua)


This manual provides information about multipurpose trees in Nicaragua.

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Effects of Canopy Cover and Understory Environment of Tree Plantations on Richness, Density and Size of Colonizing Woody Species in Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates the effects of canopy characteristics and associated understory environmental factors of tree plantations on native woody species colonization in two broadleaved and two coniferous plantations in southern Ethiopia. The plantation forests investigated are surrounded by dry Afromontane natural forest.

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Fires in exotic forest plantations of Zimbabwe: Causes and management strategies


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Plantation Forestry in Sub Saharan Africa: Silvicultural, Ecological and Economic Aspects


Open access copy available

Site Relationships for Some Wood Properties of Pine Species in Plantation Forests of Southern Africa


There are three main pine species that are planted in Southern African plantations. Genetic variation and its relationship with wood properties of pine wood has been extensively studied, however little is known about the influence of site on wood properties.

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