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Semillas que germinan: experiencias comunitarias en la costa (Seeds that germinate: community experiences in the coast)

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Seedling survivorship, growth, and response to disturbance in Belizean mangal


Species zonation patterns across tidal gradients in mangrove forests are formed by successful seedling establishment and maintained by replacement of adults by conspecific seedlings. These two processes have rarely been examined experimentally in neotropical mangrove. This study examines survivorship and growth of seedlings of Rhizopora mangle and Avicennia germinans across a tidal gradient in Belize.

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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Programa Nacional Para La Conservaction, Restauracion y Manejo Der Ecosistema De Bosque Seco En Nicaragua



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Plan de restauración de los manglares en Puerto Villamil Isla Isabela – Galapagos (Plan for restoration of mangroves in Galapagos)



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Protocol for Monitoring Tropical Forest Restoration: Perspectives from the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil


This article highlights the need for standardized monitoring protocols in forest landscape restoration projects and uses the example of the protocol developed by the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil.

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Small-scale disturbance and regeneration dynamics in a neotropical mangrove forest


This study focuses on regeneration dynamics of mangrove species in lightening-created gaps, in the Dominican Republic.

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