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Lessons Learnt from WWF’s Worldwide Field Initiatives Aiming at Restoring Forest Landscapes


This document provides a series of case studies about forest landscape restoration projects from across the WWF network. The authors provide overall lessons as well as country-specific lessons. The authors summarize lessons learned across programs for the different stages of restoration programs.

Open access copy available

Teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f): Its Natural Distribution and Related Factors


This paper provides an introduction to the distribution and growth of teak in its natural habitat in India, Burma, Thailand and Laos.

Open access copy available

A Multicountry Assessment of Tropical Resource Monitoring by Local Communities


The study compared data collected on status and trends collected independently by local community members and trained scientists for 63 taxa and five types of resource use in 34 tropical forest sites over 2.5 years so examine the assumption that local people are less objective than external scientists when monitoring natural resources.

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Growing biodiverse carbon-rich forests


Carbon storage and biodiversity has long been viewed as completely separate restoration objectives, resulting in parceling tracts of restoration land for one objective or the other. This study shows that the relationship between plant functional diversity and carbon sequestration rate depends on climate and habitat factors. Knowing this relationship, a restoration site can be managed for both objectives.

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Potential for low-cost carbon removal through tropical reforestation


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Tropical surface gold mining: A review of ecological impacts and restoration strategies


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