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Planting Seedlings in Tree Islands Versus Plantations as a Large-Scale Tropical Forest Restoration Strategy


This research compares the growth and mortality of 4 tree species (2 native to Costa Rica and 2 native to northwestern South America) in the reforestation of abandoned agricultural land in Costa Rica.

Open access copy available

Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: I. A Review of Quantitative Information on Physiological and Ecological Processes


Open access copy available

Vinculación entre el sustento de los agricultores, los árboles y el proceso de agua y suelos en las buenas prácticas de gestión de áreas de captación (Linking farmers livelihoods, trees and soils in water catchments management practices)

Open access copy available

Patch Size Effects on Avian Foraging Behaviour: Implications for Tropical Forest Restoration Design


This study looks at bird behavior in restoration sites in southern Costa Rica. While multiple studies examine the presence of birds in restored forest, few studies examine behavior in these sites.

Open access copy available

Migratory Bird Species in Young Tropical Forest Restoration Sites: Effects of Vegetation Height, Planting Design, and Season


This study examines the difference in habitat preference of four migratory birds in restored forests in southern Costa Rica.

Open access copy available

Testing Applied Nucleation as a Strategy to Facilitate Tropical Forest Recovery


Open access copy available