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Impact of Plantation on Ecosystem Development in Disturbed Coal Mine Overburden Spoils


This study evaluates the growth, survival, understory composition, and soil conditions in a plantation established on a mine site in India.

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Understory Vegetation in Fast-Growing Tree Plantations on Savanna Soils in Congo


The study investigates the hypothesis that tree plantations established adjacent to natural forests may catalyze the regeneration of natural forest biodiversity in the Congo.

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Effect of Exotic Tree Plantations and Site Management on Plant Diversity


Open access copy available

Carbon sequestration versus bioenergy: A case study from South India exploring the relative land-use efficiency of two options for climate change mitigation


This study explores avenues to meet increased rural electricity demand with carbon emissions mitigation. The study compares the option of energy derived from gasification of biomass from forest plantations to energy derived from fossil fuels, with forest plantations used as a carbon sink.The case study uses power demand, land requirements, and management approaches for Hosahalli village, Karnataka, pop. 218.

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Ecological Restoration of Coal Mine-Degraded Lands in Dry Tropical Climate: What has been done? And what needs to be done?


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