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Farmer Participation in Reforestation Incentive Programs in Costa RicabackgroundOpen access copy available |
Decentralized Payments for Environmental Services: The cases of Pimampiro and PROFAFOR in EcuadorbackgroundThis article describes two payment for environmental services (PES) programs in Ecuador which, unlike programs run in other countries, are run by decentralized organizations: Pimampiro municipal watershed-protection scheme and PROFAFOR carbon-sequestration programme. Available with subscription or purchase |
Paying for Environmental Services: An Analysis of Participation in Costa Rica's PSA ProgrambackgroundThis study evaluates demographic and other factors that played a role in the participation of households in Costa Rica's Payment for Environmental Services program. Available with subscription or purchase |
Factors Limiting Tropical Rain Forest Regeneration in Abandoned Pasture: Seed Rain, Seed Germination, Microclimate, and SoilbackgroundThis research evaluates the ability of seeds to be dispersed into and germinate in areas of abandoned pasture. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical Montane Forest Restoration in Costa Rica: Overcoming Barriers to Dispersal and EstablishmentbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Application of Assisted Natural Regeneration to Restore Degraded Tropical ForestlandsbackgroundAssisted natural regeneration (ANR) has been proposed as an alternative restoration method that reduces the costs and scalability barriers of other restoration alternatives. This article describes the steps to applying ANR to disturbed ecosystems where forest succession processes have been halted by dominant grass or fern monocultures. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical Forest Restoration: Tree Islands As Recruitment Foci In Degraded Lands Of HondurasBackgroundMethods to accelerate forest recovery must address a number of impediments including limits on seed dispersal and microclimactic extremes. This study evaluates the ability of tree islands to serve as recruitment foci for additional seeds in a two-year study in northern Honduras. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Artificial Roosts for Frugivorous Bats on Seed Dispersal in a Neotropical Forest Pasture MosaicbackgroundThis article evaluates whether the installation of bat roosts into abandoned pasture sites can attract frigivorous bats into pasture areas and encourage seed rain of early-successional plant species. Available with subscription or purchase |
Barriers to Forest Regeneration of Deforested and Abandoned Land in PanamaBackgroundThis article presents research findings on the effect of four limiting factors on tree regeneration: competition with the exotic grass Saccharum spontanaeum, seed dispersal limitation, fire, and soil nutrient deficiency. Open access copy available |
Research Needs for Restoring Seasonal Tropical Forests in Thailand: Accelerated Natural RegenerationbackgroundThis study considers information needed to engage in accelerated natural regeneration (ANR) in Thailand as well as areas in need of future research. Available with subscription or purchase |
Postdispersal Seed Fate of Tropical Montane Trees in an Agricultural Landscape, Southern Costa RicabackgroundThis study seeks to understand postdispersal seed fate in Montane Costa Rica in order to better identify factors driving forest regeneration. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical forest recovery: Legacies of human impact and natural disturbancesBackgroundLand-use history interacts with natural forces to influence the severity of disturbance events and the rate and nature of recovery processes in tropical forests. This perspective article highlights several trends in tropical forest recovery processes emerging from recent literature. Open access copy available |
Beyond Deforestation: Restoring Forests and Ecosystem Services on Degraded LandsBackgroundIn this review, the author presents the various stages of topical forest restoration. She describes a spectrum of reforestation approaches varying by time, cost, and biodiversity conservation value. Available with subscription or purchase |
Seed germination of Loxopterygium guasango, a threatened tree of coastal Northwestern South AmericabackgroundLoxopterygium guasango is a tree native to Ecuador with threatened status as of 1993, despite its durable wood, history of timber use, and potential use in reforestation. This study reports on seed germination, a potential cause of its low regeneration rates. Open access copy available |
Natural History, Seed Predation, and Germination of Prosopis juliflora Relative to a Reforestation Project in Southwestern EcuadorbackgroundThis article provides information on the natural history of Prosopis juliflora in Ecuador and describes the efforts to use this native species in reforestation of tropical dry forest in the Proyecto Eduardo Aspiazu Estrata project. Open access copy available |
Seed rain and seed limitation in a planted gallery forest in BrazilBackgroundSeed dispersal by wind (anemochorous) and animals, usually birds and bats (zoochorous), is an important driver of succession. This study examines seed rain in a planted gallery forest (riparian corridor) in Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Propagating Framework Tree Species to Restore Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest: Implications of Seasonal Seed Dispersal and DormancybackgroundThis paper evaluates the seed germination characteristics of native tree species selected for reforestation in Thailand and cultivated in nurseries. Open access copy available |
Direct Seeding to Restore Tropical Mature-Forest Species in Areas of Slash-and-Burn AgriculturebackgroundDirect seeding of three mature-forest species into areas of slash-and-burn agriculture was conducted to evaluate the germination and establishment of these species. Open access copy available |
Growth analysis of nine multipurpose woody legumes native from southern MexicoBackgroundDeforestation in Mexico has produced significant soil degradation. Reforestation with native leguminous shrubs and trees can contribute to restoration of soil properties. This study evaluates early growth of nine leguminous tree and shrub species in nursery conditions in an ejido (communal agricultural land) in southern Mexico. Available with subscription or purchase |
Propagating Framework Trees to Restore Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest in Northern ThailandbackgroundOne issue of concern in native species reforestation is the lack of information on propagation and nursery practices of native seeds and seedlings. Available with subscription or purchase |