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Attempting Restoration of Wet Tropical Forests in Costa RicaBackgroundThis article describes a reforestation effort of the Tropical Forestry Initiative using mixed stands of native species to recover abandoned pastureland in the tropical wet forest of Costa Rica. Available with subscription or purchase |
Native Trees and Shrubs for the Productive Rehabilitation of Tropical Cattleranching LandsbackgroundThe authors of this study examined strategies to improve cattle ranching in Colombia and Mexico through the use of intensive silvopastoral systems. Silvopastoral systems transform extensive cattle ranching with intensively managed systems with high densities of trees and shrubs to improve yields and environmental impacts. Available with subscription or purchase |
Early Growth and Survival of 49 Tropical Tree Species across Sites Differing in Soil Fertility and Rainfall in PanamabackgroundThis research investigates the importance of soil quality upon species survival across a gradient of differing levels of rainfall and dry season length on disturbed land in Panama. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Ecology and Ecosystem Services of Native Trees: Implications for Reforestation and Land Restoration in MesoamericabackgroundThis article summarizes papers presented at a conference on the state of tropical reforestation and restoration in Central America. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tree plantations on farms: Evaluating growth and potential for successBackgroundInterest in native species is growing across the tropics as reforestation of degraded lands becomes more widespread. Evaluation of successful species is an important component of reforestation planning. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Case Study Assessment of Agroforestry: The Panama Canal WatershedbackgroundThis article provides a qualitative assessment of three agroforestry sites in the Panama Canal watershed based on management objectives, project life span, incentives, technology, economic feasibility, community involvement, and extension. It seeks to guide sustainable forest management options for the Panamanian government. Available with subscription or purchase |
Barriers to Lowland Tropical Forest Restoration in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, ColombiaBackgroundThis article examines the major barriers to forest restoration in the abandoned pastureland surrounding three forest fragments in the Rio Rancheria watershed of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. These barriers include: seed source, seed predation, competition from grasses, microclimate, soil quality, and fire. Available with subscription or purchase |
Environmental Services of Native Tree Plantations and Agroforestry Systems in Central AmericaBackgroundPlantations and agroforestry systems supply wood and environmental services such as carbon sequestration and recovery of biodiversity. At the time of writing (2004), Central American countries were developing systems of payments for environmental services to encourage the development of these systems. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth of Euterpe edulis under forest and agroforestry in southern BrazilBackgroundThe shade-tolerant palm Euterpe edulis is prevalent in native forests and in reforestation of banana plantations in Brazil. However, there are no data comparing its plantation growth performance to its native forest growth. This study evaluates growth and mortality of E. edulis planted in secondary dense forest and in banana plantations, as well as their relationships with site variables. Available with subscription or purchase |
Influence of Distance to Forest Edges on Natural Regeneration of Abandoned Pastures: A Case Study in the Tropical Mountain Rain Forest of Southern EcuadorbackgroundThis study evaluates the role that distance from forest edges plays in the restoration of abandoned pasture. Available with subscription or purchase |
Light Acclimation of Four Native Tree Species in Felling Gaps within a Tropical Mountain RainforestbackgroundThis article addresses the decline of Ecuadorian mountain rainforests by evaluating the success fo enrichment planting of native tree species in forest gaps to prote native tree abundance and biodiversity. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Management Practices in the Bayano Region of Panama: Cultural VariationsbackgroundThis paper examines differences in forest exploitation between indigenous groups and colonists along an agricultural frontier in Panama and focuses on differences in forest use, economic base, and management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Regeneration in a Chronosequence of Tropical Abandoned Pastures: Implications for Restoration EcologyBackgroundDuring the mid‐1900s, most of the island of Puerto Rico was deforested, but a shift in the economy from agriculture to small industry beginning in the 1950s resulted in the abandonment of agricultural lands and recovery of secondary forest. This research examines the natural regeneration patterns on these abandoned agricultural lands in four different regions of Puerto Rico. Available with subscription or purchase |
Establishment and Growth of Living Fence Species: An Overlooked Tool for the Restoration of Degraded Areas in the TropicsbackgroundThis article describes three studies conducted in Honduras which examined the potential of using living fence species in restoration. Available with subscription or purchase |
Cattle and Weedy Shrubs as Restoration Tools of Tropical Montane RainforestbackgroundIn abandoned Latin American pastures, grasses often inhibit the establishment of woody species. This study tests the effect of cattle grazing on woody and herbaceous vegetation establishment in pastures of P. clandestinum and M. minutiflora. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Structure and Composition of a Tropical Dry Forest Landscape After Land Clearance; Azuero Peninsula, PanamabackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Early Growth of Native and Exotic Trees Planted on Degraded Tropical PasturebackgroundThis study describes the potential of two exotic and five native tree species to restore degraded land in Costa Rica. Research Goals & MethodsThirty blocks were established over 25 hectares of abandoned cattle pasture and tree height was measured at 3 and 7 years and tree survival was measured after 7 years. Available with subscription or purchase |
Studies on the Seed Biology of 100 Native Species of Trees in a Seasonal Moist Tropical Forest, Panama, Central AmericaBackgroundSince 1998, the Panama Canal Watershed has experienced a decline in forest cover. The watershed ensures a functioning canal, thus there has been a significant investment in resources to reforest and restore the region. While these projects have focused primarily on native species, there has been issues with seed-handling. Available with subscription or purchase |
Applying Indigenous Knowledge to the Restoration of Degraded Tropical Rain Forest Clearings Dominated by Bracken FernbackgroundThe indigenous Lacandon Maya people of southern Mexico use a rotational agriculture system known in Spanish as the milpa for production of maize and other crops. This system rotates production to different plots, allowing the forest and soil to recover in the fallow years between production periods. In some cases, the Lacandon people actively manage forest recovery, sowing Balsa trees to prevent plots from being taken over by the invasive Bracken fern. Available with subscription or purchase |
Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria: A Potential Tool for Arid Mangrove ReforestationbackgroundMicrobes (bacteria and fungi) play a crucial role in nutrient recycling in mangrove systems, which are nutrient deficient. Microbes make nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorous, available to mangroves, while mangroves may improve soil conditions for microbes (for example, by oxidizing the soil). PGPB may be nitrogen fixers, phosphate solubilizers, mineral uptake enhancers, and phytopathogen controllers. Available with subscription or purchase |