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Contributions of agroforestry to ecosystem services in the miombo eco-region of eastern and southern Africa


The article discusses the functional benefits of agroforestry to the miombo region of eastern and southern Africa, which includes the following countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

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Abreha Weatsbeha Community Ethiopia: Equator Initiative Case Studies. Sustainable Development Solutions for people, nature and resilient communities


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Getting the Right End of the Stick: Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in an Organizational Context


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Bioremediation of a crude-oil polluted agricultural-soil at Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Since more than 98% of Nigeria’s current economic support is crude oil, and oil spills are in inevitable and frequent, six treatment sample-cell were tested on the soils of the Niger Delta of Nigeria for crude oil bioremediation. Oil spills cause nitrogen levels to decrease, while increasing carbon content. A decrease in nitrogen and the toxicity of crude oil reduces the growth of heterotrophic bacteria, which utilize petroleum carbon for cell synthesis.

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Sprouting, succession and tree species diversity in a South African coastal dune forest


This study examines the role of sprouting in the maintenance of plant diversity where prevailing disturbance frequency and severity allows, specifically, in the coastal dune forest of Kwazulu-Natal. 

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Restoration of Ecosystem Carbon Stocks following Exclosure Establisment in Communal Grazing Lands in Tigray, Ethiopia


The study examines changes in ecosystem Carbon stocks (ECS) after the establishment of exclosures on communal grazing lands.  Exclosures are areas where livestock are prohibited from grazing. 

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Targeted habitat restoration can reduce extinction rates in fragmented forests


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Floristic composition, structure and natural regeneration in a moist semideciduous forest following anthropogenic disturbances and plant invasion


This research examined the floristic composition, struture and natural regeneration in three different forests: undisturbed (UF), disturbed-invaded (DIF) and disturbed (DF) within a forest reserve in Ghana.

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Fuelwood collection and its impacts on a protected tropical mountain forest in Uganda.


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Impact of Forest Management on Insect Abundance and Damage in a Lowland Tropical Forest in Southern Cameroon


A burgeoning timber industry in Cameroon, which became the fifth largest producer of timber in the world in the 1990’s, led to unsustainably high deforestation rates and high demand for forest regeneration interventions. Research in the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve in southern Cameroon has compared different silvicultural techniques for forest regeneration including complete and partial clearance methods.

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Safety Nets, Gap Filling and Forests: A Global-Comparative Perspective


This paper seeks to prove how forests and wildlands are utilized in developing countries as safety nets to shocks, and how they provide resources for seasonal gap filling. The study was carried out in various developing countries in different continents. Areas where there is no forest at all were excluded and those completely forest covered such as those dominated by hunter- gatherers were not considered.

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Carbon farming with bamboos in Africa: A call for action


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Fires in exotic forest plantations of Zimbabwe: Causes and management strategies


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Management of non-timber forestry products extraction: Local institutions, ecological knowledge and market structure in South-Eastern Zimbabwe


Sengwe communal lands, in South East Zimbabwe were used to examine how they manage non timber forest products (NTFPs) as a common pool resource in that area. The area consists of five wards, of which four are communally owned. The government has a protected area engulfed by the local communal property system; both communal and state property regimes are involved in the management of certain resources.

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Plantation Forestry in Sub Saharan Africa: Silvicultural, Ecological and Economic Aspects


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Co-management options for reserved forests in Zimbabwe and beyond: Policy implications of forest management strategies


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Management and Performance of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in the Murewa and Mutoko Districts of Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe’s afforestation program has used Eucalyptus trees because of their fast growth rate and their ability to adapt to different environmental conditions. These trees are grown to provide fuelwood and to curb deforestation. However, the afforestation program had poor results. Hence, there was a need to examine causes of poor performance to justify why the program still needs expansion.

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Traditional agroforestry practices in Zimbabwe


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Coffee Farming and Climate Change in Ethiopia: Impacts, Forecasts, Resilience and Opportunities


This document is the outcome of a two-year project by the Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (SCIP). The project aimed to established strategies for a climate-resilient coffee economy in Ethiopia in which the effects of various climate change factors on coffee production and wild coffee forests were acccessed. 

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A comparative study of medicinal plants used in rural areas of Namibia and Zimbabwe


Despite the adoption of Western pharmaceutical drugs in developing countries, traditional medicine produced from wild plants is still the source of primary health care. In some countries up to 90% of the people rely on traditional medicines. Few studies have done a comparative analysis of the herbal medicines in Africa.

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