Finding the money for tropical forest restoration

Finding the money for tropical forest restoration


Forest in tropical countries have experienced significant changes due to human activity, shifting primarily to agricultural or urban lands. This change not only leads to loss of biodiversity but it also affects the supply of valubale forest products and ecosystem services. This study calls for a shift in rhetoric in forest restoration to go beyond a conservation agenda and to include economic benefits. The article discusses the economic dimensions of forest restoration to justify their claim, drawing heavily on experience in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. 

Conclusions & Takeaways

The article outlines various economic benefits derived from forest restoration and conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. The authors conclude that it is critical to incorporate economic justifications into such practices and recommends six steps to do so, including: strengthening  environmental legislation, stimulate consumption of timber products produced under sustainable management, create attractive loans and credit lines for entrepreneurs interested in forest restoration, invest in research, reinforce outreach and extension activities, and build policies to support these measures. 


Viani RAG, Holl KD, Padovezi A, et al. Protocol for Monitoring Tropical Forest Restoration. Tropical Conservation Science. 2017;10:194008291769726. doi:10.1177/1940082917697265.


  • Pedro Brancalion is professor, Department of Forestry, University of São Paulo
  • Ricardo A.G. Viani is postdoctoral fellow, Campinas State University
  • Bernardo B.N.Strassburg is director, International Institutefor Sustainability
  • Ricardo R. Rodriguesis full professor, Department of Biology,University of São Paulo