Prioritization of Target Areas for Forest Restoration

Prioritization of Target Areas for Forest Restoration


This is a report on target areas for forest restoration written by World Conservation Monitoring Centre and submitted to WWF International. The purpose of the report was to provide recommendations for prioritization to WWF International and WWF field programs.

Goals & Approach

The authors sought to identify criteria for socially responsible and ecologically appropriate forest restoration regionally and to define areas that can provide a focus for a regional restoration programme in the Mediterranean. Twelve criteria were decided upon based on data from the WCMC and then were evaluated by experts from WWF. Using this criteria, GIS was used to identify priority areas for restoration. 

Reported Takeaways

A map was produced to show priority areas. The report stresses that criteria and priorities depend on restoration goals and must reflect how restoration will be implemented. The authors of the report also recognize that the existence of sub-national data for GIS does not exist in many contexts, thus making this review difficult to replicate.





World Conservation Monitoring Centre. (2000). "Prioritization of target areas for forest restoration". Accessed: June 2020


  • World Conservation Monitoring Centre
  • WWF International