Restoration of the Cerros Orientales de Bogota - Jardin Botanico de Bogota

Restoration of the Cerros Orientales de Bogota - Jardin Botanico de Bogota

The Jose Celestino Mutis Botanic Garden of Bogota works with the Municipal government of Bogota in order to restore and rehabilitate various areas of forest habitat around the city of Bogota.

The most extensive plantings are conducted in the Cerros Orientales, hills located on the outskirts of Bogota. This very steep mountain area had been cleared and was subject to severe erosion, and was planted with exotic pine and eucalyptus throughout the 19th and 20th century. Parts of this forest continue to be grazed for cattle, and many areas have also been invaded by the invasive European gorse (Ulex europaeus).

Restoration activities frequently consist of removal of the invasive gorse or the exotic plantation species. Species are planted in dense plantation rows of 1-2 meter spacing. Lupinus bogotensis is occasionally used as a facilitation plant. Several native species (as indicated above) are planted; first plantings usually focus on pioneer species while subsequent enrichment plantings use mid to late successional species.

These restoration activities are financed by the city of Bogota; most restored areas concentrate on highly visited public parks. Other restoration areas in the city include the wetland Juan Amarillo and the city park Entre las Nubes.




  • Jardin Botanico de Bogota
  • City of Bogota - Secretaria Distrital de Medio Ambiente