Albizia zygia

Bosques de los Andes orientales de Bolivia y sus especies útiles (Forests of the western Andes of Bolivia and its useful species)



Los bosques montanos sostienen no solo un gran biodiversidad, sino además los medios  de vida de poblaciones indígenas y mestizas. Es necesario conocer las especies de potencial económico que presentan los bosques montanos a fin de asegurar su conservación y manejo a largo plazo.

Open access copy available

Involving Local Farmers in Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests: Some Lessons from Ghana


This study is an analysis of  a community-based tree planting project in Ghana using the taungya systems with indigenous trees. The project was sponsored by the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), the government of Ghana, and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The goal of the tree planting in the project was to improve forest rehabilitation as well as local livelihoods.

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Regeneration of Timber Species following Selective Logging in a Moist Semi-Deciduous Forest in Ghana


This study examines the types and frequency of natural regeneration and growth of timber tree species in 4 logging gaps: loading bays, tree-fall, primary and secondary skid trails with forest shade as control in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

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Responses of Tree Seedlings to the Removal of Chromolaena odorata Linn. in a Degraded Forest in Ghana


This study assesses the effects of Chromolaena odorata, a dense grass removal on native trees seedlings in a degraded dry semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Research Goals & Methods

Chromolaena odorata was removed from 50% of the plots and the other half left intact. Seedling height, the number of leaves per seedling, and seedling mortality were investigated in both released and unreleased plots immediately after the release treatment in June 1998 and again 3 months later September 1998.

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Occurrence of Nodulation in Unexplored Leguminous Trees Native to the West African Tropical Rainforest and Inoculation Response of Native Species useful in Reforestation


Few studies examine the ability of leguminous tree species to nodulate and fix atmospheric N, especially symbiotically with rhizobia; this study seeks to fill that research gap.  The occurrence of nodulation was determined in 156 mature leguminous species growing in 6 natural forest areas in south-eastern Guinea and an in situ experiment of rhizobia inoculation was performed on 8 selected tree species.

Open access copy available
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