Allophylus abyssinicus

Fuelwood collection and its impacts on a protected tropical mountain forest in Uganda.


This study examined the patterns, effects and potential management of fuelwood extraction on the forest of Mt Elgon, located in the Eastern part of Uganda, Sub- Saharan Africa. Fuelwood is the main source of energy, mainly collected from the forest. 98% of the households use fuelwood and charcoal for cooking and heating. This is a protected area with a history of conflict between surrounding populations and conservation actors. No other forest remains in its direct vicinity.

Research goals and Methods

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Recovery of Plant Species Richness and Composition in Abandoned Forest Settlement Area in Kenya


This paper examines natural regeneration of tree species in a former forest village settlement that had been cultivated and abandoned in Mau forest, Kenya. Following 19 years of abandonment, the site consists of 3 zones of recovery due to different degrees of degradation before abandonment, continued grazing, selective logging and firewood collection. The zones are grass zone (GZ), transition zone I (TZ I) and TZ II and secondary forests (SF).

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Status of Indigenous Tree Species Regeneration under Exotic Plantations in Belete Forest, South West Ethiopia


This study assesses the diversity and density of naturally regenerated woody species under the canopies of exotic plantations adjacent to natural forests in a moist montane forest type in Southwest Ethiopia.

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Indigenous Woody Species Diversity in Eucalyptus globulus Labill spp. globulus Plantations in the Ethiopian Highlands


This study evaluates the regeneration of native woody species in eucalyptus plantations in the central highlands of Ethiopia.

Research Goals & Methods

Understory trees and shrubs were identified and measured in 11 year old plantations at Chancho where no natural forests remain, and in 37 year old plantations at Menagesha where remnant natural forests exist.

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