Anogeissus leiocarpa

Régénération naturelle à faible coût dans le cadre de l’aménagement forestier en zones tropicales sèches en Afrique (Natural generation at low cost as part of forest management in African tropical dry landscapes)

The author examines effective, low-cost, and often-overlooked methods of natural regeneration by root suckering and terrestrial layering in African tropical dry forests. He suggests this method of regeneration for both inside and outside of forested areas.


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Regeneration of Five Combretaceae Species along a Latitudinal Gradient in Sahelo-Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso


This study examines seedling density and regeneration processes of 5 species of Combretaceae across latitudinal gradients in the Sahelo-Sudanian ecoregion in Burkina Faso. Species were chosen based on their economic importance and large distributions. Rainfall varies across the area studied from 400-900 mm annually with elevations of about 300 m. The vegetation in the area is strongly seasonal with mostly deciduous trees and most herbacious species dying back during the dry season.

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