Antiaris toxicaria

Tropical rain forest fragmentation and its ecological and species diversity changes in Southern Yunnan


Animal species richness is understood to decline with fragmentation of tropical forests. While the same is assumed of plant species richness, fewer studies have been undertaken on this subject. This study on sacred groves in southern Yunnan, southwestern China, evaluates the plant species richness of these tropical rainforest fragments.

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The Restoration of Degraded Forests in Ghana: A Case Study in the Offinso Forest District


This study investigates how density and diversity of key native tree saplings differ in different plantation stand types in plantations adjacent to a degraded forest reserve in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The influence of overstory species composition on natural regeneration of single exotic (Cedrella odorata and Tectona grandis) and mixed stands (Khaya grandifoliola, Antiaris toxicaria, Ceiba pentandra, Triplochiton scleroxylon, Terminalia superb, Terminalia ivorensis and Anopyxis klaineana) of native species was assessed.

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Rehabilitation of Forest-Savannas in Ghana: The Impacts of Land Use, Shade, and Invasive Species on Tree Recruitment


This study investigates the varying potential of soil seed banks of predominant agricultural land uses for the recruitment of trees from seeds and seedlings in 3 farming communities in a forest-savanna ecological zone in Ghana.

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Responses of Tree Seedlings to the Removal of Chromolaena odorata Linn. in a Degraded Forest in Ghana


This study assesses the effects of Chromolaena odorata, a dense grass removal on native trees seedlings in a degraded dry semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Research Goals & Methods

Chromolaena odorata was removed from 50% of the plots and the other half left intact. Seedling height, the number of leaves per seedling, and seedling mortality were investigated in both released and unreleased plots immediately after the release treatment in June 1998 and again 3 months later September 1998.

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Does Forest Restoration using Taungya Foster Tree Species Diversity? The case of Afram Headwaters Forest Reserve in Ghana


This study evaluates taungya agroforestry system - a forest restoration effectiveness in promoting high tree diversity-  in Ghana. This study was conducted in a forest reserve buffered by Teak and Cedrella-taungya on logged, cropped and burned land.

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