Bursera simaruba

Crecimiento Inicial de Especies Arbóreas Multipropósito en un Terreno Ganadero del Norte de Veracruz (Initial Growth of Multipurpose Tree Species in a Rancher Land in Northern Veracruz)



El establecimiento de plantaciones forestales es útil para la restauración de áreas degradadas por la expansión de actividades ganaderas. SIn emabargo, información básica sobre el crecimiento inicial de especies arbóreas es aún escasa.

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Ecología forestal de algunas especies arbóreas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl (Forest ecology of tree species of interest for reforestation of Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl)



México cuenta con alrededor de 3,000 especies de árboles, de las cuales solo una pequeña proporción se ha utilizado para proyectos de reforestación y restauración. Para el éxito de los proyectos forestales, es fundamental tener en cuenta que las especies de árboles varían en su preferencia por las condiciones del sitio, es decir, el clima, el suelo, el acceso al agua y la sombra. Los autores recopilaron información sobre la ecología forestal de especies arbóreas nativas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl en México.

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A Survey of Small-Scale Farmers Using Trees in Pastures in Herrera Province, Panama


The Herrera Province on the Azuero Peninsula of Panamá has experienced significant deforestation for the purpose of cattle ranching.

research goal & methods

The goal of the study was to determine more information about the use of trees in smallholder cow pastures. Herreran pasture owners were interviewed about the different uses for trees in their pastures as well as the variety of tree species.

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Woody Plant Diversity and Structure of Shade-Grown-Coffee Plantations in Northern Chiapas, Mexico


This article presents research on coffee stand structure and diversity, with data collected from 61 coffee plots in Chiapas, Mexico.

Research Goals & Methods

The following variables were measured: coffee density, slope, plot aspect, the number of individuals of each shade species (divided into 9 diametric classes), number of strata, species use, and presence of woody plant species.

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The Agroforestree Database


The Agroforestree (AFT) Database was created in 2009 by the World Forestry Centre and provides specifics and selection guides on both native and exotic agroforestry trees. 


The database contains information about 600 tree species useful in agrofrorestry. Species descriptions include the tree's characteristics, ecology, native range, management, and agroforestry uses. The database is searchable by country, native or exotics species, products and/or services provided, and by the first letter of the species.


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The Structure and Composition of a Tropical Dry Forest Landscape After Land Clearance; Azuero Peninsula, Panama


This article describes natural regeneration that has occured in five different habitat types in the Azuero Peninsula of Panama. These habitat types include active pasture, 2-yr abandoned pasture, 5-yr abandoned pasture, forest riparian zones, and a secondary forest fragment. This region is characterized by agricultural and cattle ranching landcapes in areas that previously were tropical dry forest (1700 mm rainfall per year) until the mid-20th century and have recently been undergoing rapid turnover in land ownership.

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Establishment and Growth of Living Fence Species: An Overlooked Tool for the Restoration of Degraded Areas in the Tropics


This article describes three studies conducted in Honduras which examined the potential of using living fence species in restoration.

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Restoration of dry tropical forests in Central America: A review of pattern and process


Much information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest, of which less than 2% remains intact.

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Tropical Forest Restoration: Tree Islands As Recruitment Foci In Degraded Lands Of Honduras


Methods to accelerate forest recovery must address a number of impediments including limits on seed dispersal and microclimactic extremes. This study evaluates the ability of tree islands to serve as recruitment foci for additional seeds in a two-year study in northern Honduras.

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