Conocarpus erectus

Plan de restauración de los manglares en Puerto Villamil Isla Isabela – Galapagos (Plan for restoration of mangroves in Galapagos)



Los manglares brindan servicios ambientales importantes incluyendo la protección de costas contra el oleaje, la provisión de hábitat para especies marinas y el establecimiento de áreas de recreación turística. Sin embargo, los manglares alrededor del mundo se ven amenazados por el desarrollo de costas. En las islas Galápagos, la acumulación de residuos sólidos en las raíces de los manglares y la construcción de hoteles, viviendas, puertos y malecones, constituyen las fuentes principales de presión sobre estos ecosistemas.

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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Ecology of Mangrove Growth and Recovery in the Lesser Antilles: State of Knowledge and Basis for Restoration Projects


This article reviews the available information pertaining to mangrove ecology and restoration in the Lesser Antilles. On the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, mangrove species form monospecific vegetation belts parallel the shore. They follow an ecological gradient based on salinity and drainage, with the most halophylic being the Avicennia species followed by Rhizophora mangle and Conocarpus erectus, then Laguncularia racemosa with a lower salinity tolerance. In 1986 an experimental oil spill was created to study the ability of mangroves to regrow on polluted soil.

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