Dodonaea viscosa

Towards recovery of native dry forest in the Colombian Andes: a plantation experiment for ecological restoration


Regeneration of native forest after disturbances, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, often progresses slowly or is arrested at a successional stage. This study evaluates the effectiveness of native tree plantings as a restoration strategy in a semi-arid Andean valley.

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Effect of Adult Density on Regeneration Success of Woody Plants in Natural and Restored Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest Fragments in Puducherry Region, India


This study tested variables contributing to successful regeneration of Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest (TDEF) species in southern India, a forest type that is highly biodiverse but fragmented and commonly designated as “sacred groves”.

Conclusions & Takeaways

The researchers found that whether in longstanding “groves” or in reforested areas, adult tree density more strongly enhances the regeneration of any given species than do other factors such as the species’ dispersal mode or life form (e.g. tree, shrub, or liana).

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Efectividad de algunos tratamientos pre-germinativos para ocho especies leñosas de la Mixteca Alta Oaxaquena con características relevantes para la restauración (Effectiveness of pre-germinative treatments in eight native species from Oaxaca)

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Regeneration Response of Juniperus procera and Olea europera subsp cuspidata to Exclosure in a Dry Afromontane Forest in Northern Ethiopia


This study investigates the natural regeneration of Juniperus procera and Olea europeaea subsp. cuspidata after 3 years under protection from livestock, human interference, and under open management systems in a dry Afromontane forest in northern Ethiopia.

Open access copy available

Tree Management in the Northwestern Andean Cordillera of Peru


Peasant communities in the northwestern Andean Cordillera of Peru utilize many indigenous and introduced trees and shrubs to satisfy a variety of material needs. However, forest resources are over-harvested and over-grazed, contributing to soil erosion. This study aims to identify the major tree and shrub species in the region and understand their ecologies and usages, and to recommend priorities for reforestation in the region taking human usage into account.

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