Durio zibethinus
Designing Mixed Species Tree Plantations for the Tropics: Balancing Ecological Attributes of Species with Landholder Preferences in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis paper reports on the assessment of forest stands planted as part of the Rainforestation Farming Program and the management of plantations by local landowners regarding the original intent of planting. Research Goals & MethodsData was collected beginning 6-11 years after initial plot planting. Forest stands were evaluated for structure and floristic composition. Subsequent measurements were taken in 2008 and 2012. Open access copy available |
Creative Ecology: Restoration of Native Forests by Native TreesbackgroundThis article describes how the "native forests by native trees" restoration method used in Japan was applied to reforestation in Malaysia, and later in Brazil, Chile, and parts of China. Open access copy available |
Assisted Natural Regeneration: Methods, Results and Issues Relevant to Sustained Participation by CommunitiesBackgroundThis article describes forest restoration in Kandis village on Palawan Island, Philippines, an assisted natural regeneration (ANR) project, and focuses on the social issues that affect success of ANR projects. research goals & methodsThe ANR approached used includes fire prevention, ring-weeding, and flattening of grasses. Open access copy available |
Variability and Grouping of Leaf Traits in Multi-Species Reforestation (Leyte, Philippines)backgroundResearch on functional diversity is an important part in ongoing efforts to identify appropriate native tree species for reforestation projects. Increasing understanding of easy to measure physiological characteristics, such as specific leaf area, can help predict a variety of functional characteristics as well as growth perfromance. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluation of Reforestation Potential of 83 Tree Species Planted on Imperata cylindrica Dominated Grassland – A case Study from South Kalimantan, IndonesiabackgroundIn this study, 83 tree species (native and exotic) were tested for their growth and survival in species selection trials in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Research Goals & MethodsThe trees were planted between January 1987 and December 1988 in areas dominated by the exotic grass Imperata cylindrica and weeding was conducted twice a year. Available with subscription or purchase |
Potential of Agroforestry and Plantation Systems in Indonesia for Carbon Stocks: an Economic PerspectivebackgroundThis article discusses the potential for carbon sequestration services in various agroforestry systems in Indonesia. The systems specifically discussed include shade based coffee (Coffea robusta), fruit based coffee, timber based coffee, rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), pinang (Areca catechu), mango (Mangifera indica), macang (Mangifera spp), candle nut (Aleurites moluccana), durian (Durio zibethinus), duku (Lansium domesticum), and sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) systems. Open access copy available |
Survival and Growth of Under-Planted Trees: A Meta-Analysis Across four BiomesbackgroundThis article is a meta-analysis synthesizing the results of survival and growth of under-planted trees in forests in tropical, temperate coastal, boreal, and temperate deciduous forests. Additionally, the survival and growth of these underplanted trees are evaluated according to the silvicultural treatment affecting density of the overstory: uncut, dense shelterwood, intermediate density shelterwood, light density shelterwood, clear cut. Open access copy available |
Species-Specific Tree Water Use Characteristics in Reforestation Stands in the PhilippinesBackgroundThe need for reforestation is becoming increasingly evident in countries like the Philippines where deforestation has lead to a scarcity of wood and other forest commodities. One concern with reforestation is the reduction in streamflow and groundwater recharge as trees move water from the ground into the atmosphere. Research Goals & MethodsThis study seeks to investigate the sap flux responses and tree water use in two 12-year-old multi-species stands. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Lembo System: A Model for Agroforestry in Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of East KalimantanbackgroundThis article describes the Lembo system of agroforestry, a traditional practice by the Dayak people in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Lembo gardens, around 127 species of woody plants are cultivated, and up to 40 different species can be found per 0.25 ha 90% of which are trees. In those gardens, there is also a large diversity of wild, uncultivated plants. Available with subscription or purchase |