
Germinación y supervivencia de seis especies nativas de un bosque tropical de Tabasco, México (Germination and survival of six species native to a tropical forest of Tabasco, Mexico)

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Growth of dipterocarp seedlings in artificial gaps: An experiment in a logged-over rainforest in South Kalimantan, Indonesia


Regeneration of dipterocarps following logging has become a crucial issue in tropical forest management. Secondary forest frequently and rapidly replaces dipterocarps in large logged-over patches. If unmanaged, these secondary forest patches are often composed of unmerchantable early-succession species. It has been hypothesized that dipterocarps grow most successfully in small gaps.

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A Comparative Study of Tree Establishment in Abandoned Pasture and Mature Forest of Eastern Amazonia


This study compares seedling establishment, seed availability, seed predation, seedling herbivory, and abiotic barriers to tree establishment in recently abandoned pasture, treefall gaps, and mature forest understory in Pará State, Brazil.

Open access copy available

Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforests Based on Indigenous Species for Degraded Areas in Sarawak, Malaysia


This study describes the success of native species planted in areas of abandoned shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Research Goals & Methods

Site contitions in which species were planted included:  open conditions, including severely eroded and compacted areas and man-made mounds, and shady conditions. Growth and survival was recorded for 60-72 months, depending on the site

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