Excoecaria agallocha
Human Hydrographical Changes Interact with Propagule Predation Behaviour in Sri Lankan Mangrove ForestsBackgroundThis article describes the relation between propagule predators and vegetation structure and environmental factors on a forest path. It also considers how human influence affects these interactions. Open access copy available |
A review of the floral composition and distribution of mangroves in Sri LankaBackgroundThe article reviews literature on the numbers and distributions of Sri Lankan mangrove species and highlights the causes of overestimation. It also attempts to provide an accurate count based on standardized fieldwork over a 4-year period along the coast between Palatupana and Puttalam, Sri Lanka. The authors name some examples of mischaracterized or misidentified species from previous studies and address the importance of clearly defining the terms for mangroves. Open access copy available |
Perceptions of Biodiversity, Environmental Services, and Conservation of Planted Mangroves: A Case Study on Nijhum Dwip Island, BangladeshbackgroundOpen access copy available |