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Listening for change: quantifying the impact of ecological restoration on soundscapes in a tropical dry forestBackgroundTropical forest host a large portion of global biodiversity and carbon reserves. Heavy loss of these landscapes calls for restoration projects to conserve biodiversity as well as other ecosystem services related to human livelihood. Tropical dry forests are understudied compared to tropical wet forests, though they contain similar quantities of biodiversity, carbon, and sources for livelihood. One threat to tropical forest restoration is species invasion, which is linked to reduced native vegetation and habitat. Open access copy available |
Multiple invasions exert combined magnified effects on native plants, soil nutrients and alters the plant-herbivore interaction in dry tropical forestBackgroundGlobalization has resulted in a higher number of species invasions, which have had detrimental impacts on ecosystem biodiversity, functions, and services. Assessment and management of all invasive species is based on knowledge of a small number of species. Management is also focused on single-species invasions rather than multiple simultaneous invasions. India has a high level of species invasions and minimal resources to control them. Available with subscription or purchase |
Direct seeding to restore rainforest species: Microsite effects on the early establishment and growth of rainforest tree seedlings on degraded land in the wet tropics of AustraliaBackgroundIn Queensland, Australia, three degraded sites (a high elevation site, mid elevation site and low elevation site) that were dominated by non-native grass were studied. The study looked at how six different methods of sowing affected the establishment and growth of small and large seeds, as well as how it affected weeds growth and re-establishment. Before the sowing treatments were conducted, the weeds, since it often outcompetes seeds/seedlings, were removed using herbicides. The sowing treatments created microsites that either consisted of the seeds being buried beneath the soil or placed above the soil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Seed Dispersal by Birds and Bats in Lowland Philippine Forest Successional AreaBackgroundWhile seed dispersal by birds and bats can be an important driver of succession, few studies have studied this dynamic in the tropical forests of SE Asia. This study compares the role of bird and bat dispersal in the lowland dipterocarp forest of the Subic Watershed Forest Reserve (SWFR) in Luzon Island, Philippines. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Revegetation for Rehabilitation of Sodic soils in Semiarid Subtropical Forest, IndiabackgroundThis study relies on a case study evaluate the rehabilitation of barren land within a larger forest ecosystem. The article indicates that restoration opportunities exist even with severely degraded land where natural succession does not occur without management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of fire on the recruitment of rain forest vegetation beneath Pinus caribaea plantations, Sri LankaBackgroundGroundstory fires burn forest understories and can impact advance regeneration, contributing to conversion of forests to fire-sustained grasslands or fernlands. While plantations of fire-tolerant trees have been successfully established on these sites, managing fire in the newly developing understory remains an issue of concern. Available with subscription or purchase |