
A Survey of Small-Scale Farmers Using Trees in Pastures in Herrera Province, Panama


The Herrera Province on the Azuero Peninsula of Panamá has experienced significant deforestation for the purpose of cattle ranching.

research goal & methods

The goal of the study was to determine more information about the use of trees in smallholder cow pastures. Herreran pasture owners were interviewed about the different uses for trees in their pastures as well as the variety of tree species.

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Woody Plant Diversity and Structure of Shade-Grown-Coffee Plantations in Northern Chiapas, Mexico


This article presents research on coffee stand structure and diversity, with data collected from 61 coffee plots in Chiapas, Mexico.

Research Goals & Methods

The following variables were measured: coffee density, slope, plot aspect, the number of individuals of each shade species (divided into 9 diametric classes), number of strata, species use, and presence of woody plant species.

Open access copy available

Tree Management in the Northwestern Andean Cordillera of Peru


Peasant communities in the northwestern Andean Cordillera of Peru utilize many indigenous and introduced trees and shrubs to satisfy a variety of material needs. However, forest resources are over-harvested and over-grazed, contributing to soil erosion. This study aims to identify the major tree and shrub species in the region and understand their ecologies and usages, and to recommend priorities for reforestation in the region taking human usage into account.

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