Myrcia multiflora

Restoration of a Coastal Swamp Forest in Southeast Brazil


This study evaluates the potential for nine native tree and shrub species for use in the revegetation of degraded swamps in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Research Goals & Methods

Invasive grasses and other vegetation, including the exotic tree Casuarina equisetifolia were removed from the site.

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Restoration of a Restinga Sandy Coastal Plain in Brazil: Survival and Growth of Planted Woody Species


Restingas – coastal sandy vegetation – have been affected by human impact for about 8,000 years. Human use of these sites for housing, tourism, and recreation has recently increased in such a way that there is a need for conservation of remnant patches and restoration of degraded areas throughout the coast to protect biodiversity. This study reports the results of an experiment introducing 17 native shrub and tree species into a degraded Brazilian restinga.

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