Myrsine coriacea

Caracterización sucesional para la restauración de la reserva forestal Cárpatos, Cundinamarca, Colombia (Characterization of the succession for restoration in Colombia)



Con base en la caracterización florística y estructural se analizaron cuatro etapas del proceso de sucesión secundaria, dentro de una matriz de vegetación que había sido objeto de pertubación (185 ha) en la Reserva Forestal Cárpatos, localizada en la cordillera Oriental, entre 2600 y 3000 msnm, con el objetivo de contribuir a la preparación de un protocolo de restauración.

Open access copy available

Evaluation of Trees Indigenous to the Montane Forest of the Blue Mountains, Jamaica for Reforestation and Agroforestry


This study investigates local knowledge of native species and their uses in agroforestry systems, as well as the establishment of native species in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.

Research Goals & Methods

Interviews were conducted with 27 local participants to determine the use of 80 taxa of trees and shrubs, 43 of them native taxa; the value of each species was calculated for 10 uses.

Available with subscription or purchase

SPVS Reforestation in the Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil

Open access copy available
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