Pteridium aquilinum
Fallow to Forest: Applying Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge of Swidden Cultivation to Tropical Forest RestorationBackgroundThis study analyzed vegetation at two sites of shifting cultivation by Lawa and Karen indigenous people in the Mae Chaem watershed in 1-year, 3-year and 6-year fallow fields, with an area of natural forest as a control comparison. Available with subscription or purchase |
Caracterización sucesional para la restauración de la reserva forestal Cárpatos, Cundinamarca, Colombia (Characterization of the succession for restoration in Colombia)EspañolAntecdentesCon base en la caracterización florística y estructural se analizaron cuatro etapas del proceso de sucesión secundaria, dentro de una matriz de vegetación que había sido objeto de pertubación (185 ha) en la Reserva Forestal Cárpatos, localizada en la cordillera Oriental, entre 2600 y 3000 msnm, con el objetivo de contribuir a la preparación de un protocolo de restauración. Open access copy available |
Applying Indigenous Knowledge to the Restoration of Degraded Tropical Rain Forest Clearings Dominated by Bracken FernbackgroundThe indigenous Lacandon Maya people of southern Mexico use a rotational agriculture system known in Spanish as the milpa for production of maize and other crops. This system rotates production to different plots, allowing the forest and soil to recover in the fallow years between production periods. In some cases, the Lacandon people actively manage forest recovery, sowing Balsa trees to prevent plots from being taken over by the invasive Bracken fern. Available with subscription or purchase |