Rhus taratana

La forêt de tapia, écosystème endémique de Madagascar: écologie, fonctions, causes de dégradation et de transformation (synthèse bibliographique)

The authors give an overview of the tapia forest, an ecosystem endemic to the highlands of Madagascar, discussing it's eoclogy, function, and causes of degradation  They also review the importance of sustainably managing the forest's timber and non-timber resources for use by native populations. The article concludes arguing that the tapia forest should be protected and sustainably managed at least in part by the local community (with the understanding that some exploitation of the forest is necessary to improve the lives of local people).


Open access copy available

Factors Limiting the Survival of Native Tree Seedlings used in Conservation Efforts at the Edges of Forest Fragments in Upland Madagascar


This study investigates the survival of tree seedlings 15 months after planting in grasslands along the edges of tropical forest fragments damaged by fire in four restoration treatments in upland Madagascar.

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