Shorea contorta

Habitat Distribution of Dipterocarp Species in the Leyte Cordillera: An Indicator for Species – Site Suitability in Local Reforestation Programs


This article presents the results of a vegetation study in primary forest areas of the Leyte Cordillera in the Philippines, sampling populations of 18 species of Dipterocarp across topographic habitats and elevation classes. As a young volcanic cordillera, this tropical region is dominated by rugged topography, with slopes as steep as 30 to 60 degrees.

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Understanding Forest Transition in the Philippines: Main Farm-Level Factors Influencing Smallholder’s Capacity and Intention to Plant Native Timber Trees


Small-scale farmers' decisions on when, where, and how to plant trees in their use of natural, human, and capital resources is critical to understand as part of any forest transition trajectory. This paper studies these questions in the Philippines.  

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Designing Mixed Species Tree Plantations for the Tropics: Balancing Ecological Attributes of Species with Landholder Preferences in the Philippines


This paper reports on the assessment of forest stands planted as part of the Rainforestation Farming Program and the management of plantations by local landowners regarding the original intent of planting.

Research Goals & Methods

Data was collected beginning 6-11 years after initial plot planting. Forest stands were evaluated for structure and floristic composition. Subsequent measurements were taken in 2008 and 2012.

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Habitat Distribution of Dipterocarp Species in the Leyte Cordillera: an Indicator for Species – Site Suitability in Local Reforestation Programs


This article presents the results of a vegetation study in primary forest areas of Leyte, in vicinity of the case study site (near Mt. Pangasugan). It provides information on habitat distribution patterns and elevational ranges of dipterocarp species with the purpose of providing baseline data for ensuring species-site suitability for local reforestation programs.

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New Options for Land Rehabilitation and Landscape Ecology in Southeast Asia by "Rainforestation Farming"


The authors describe a methodology for reforestation called "Rainforestation Farming" developed in the Philippines in the 1990s to restore forest cover on degraded lands covered with Imperata cylindrica grass in the Visayas region

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Variability and Grouping of Leaf Traits in Multi-Species Reforestation (Leyte, Philippines)


Research on functional diversity is an important part in ongoing efforts to identify appropriate native tree species for reforestation projects. Increasing understanding of easy to measure physiological characteristics, such as specific leaf area, can help predict a variety of functional characteristics as well as growth perfromance.

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Species-Specific Tree Water Use Characteristics in Reforestation Stands in the Philippines


The need for reforestation is becoming increasingly evident in countries like the Philippines where deforestation has lead to a scarcity of wood and other forest commodities. One concern with reforestation is the reduction in streamflow and groundwater recharge as trees move water from the ground into the atmosphere.

Research Goals & Methods

This study seeks to investigate the sap flux responses and tree water use in two 12-year-old multi-species stands.

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