Vochysia ferruginea
Screening Trial of 14 Tropical Hardwoods with an Emphasis on Species Native to Costa Rica: Fourth Year ResultsBackgroundA lack of silvicultural information on native timber species in the tropics has contributed to the propogation of fast-growing exotic tree species in reforestation efforts. The plantations evaluated at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica were considered marginal lands with low input of forest maintenance, reflecting the conditions of many lands that farmers would use for reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth in pure and mixed plantations of tree species used in reforesting rural areas of the humid region of Costa Rica, Central AmericaBackgroundDespite government incentives in Costa Rica for establishing and maintaining native tree plantations since the 1990s, farmers and small landowners often lack adequate knowledge about plantation management. Yield and rotation periods for each of the ten most common species grown in monoculture have previously been published. This paper compares productivity in monoculture and mixtures at La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. Open access copy available |
Tree species effects on soil properties in experimental plantations in tropical moist forestBackgroundForest soil properties are influenced by the complex interactions of vegetation, soil type, geology, management, and climactic patterns. Tree species can differ in their long-term effects on soils. This study resamples one of the earliest replicated experimental sites at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, used to examine the effects of native tropical tree species on soil properties, to examine longer term effects on soil properties. Open access copy available |
Amelioration of degraded rain forest soils by plantations of native treesbackgroundWhile much has been studied about the ability of tree growth to improve degraded soils in temperate zones, less is known about the impacts of tree growth on degraded soils in tropical zones. research goals & methodsThis study looks at the effects of trees planted in abandoned pasture land in northeastern Costa Rica, 25 years after that land had been cleared of rainforest. The soil was sampled before tree planting and 4 years after the trees became established. Available with subscription or purchase |
Productividad en plantaciones puras y mixtas de especies forestales nativas en la estación biológica La Selva, Sarapiquí, Costa RicaOpen access copy available |
Crecimiento de especies forestales nativas en la zona norte de Costa Rica (Growth of native forest species in the north area of Costa Rica)EspañolAntecedentesEl estudio evalúa el comportamiento y crecimiento de cinco especies nativas utilizadas en la reforestación de llanuras del trópico húmedo de Costa Rica. Open access copy available |
Plantaciones forestales con especies nativas: Una alternativa para la producción de madera y la provisión de servicios ambientales (Native species tree plantations: and alternative for wood production and environmental services)Se presenta un panorama general del desarrollo de las actividades de plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica, así como algunos resultados de ensayos de rehabilitación de áreas degradadas con especies forestales nativas en la Estación Biológica La Selva. Durante 12 años, se midió anualmente el crecimiento y la producción de biomasa aérea de doce especies nativas en rodales mixtos y puros, como asi también la fertilidad del suelo bajo plantaciones puras de cuatro especies forestales nativas. La mezcla de especies mostro la mayor productividad volumétrica, estadísticamente superior a las especies en plantaciones puras. Open access copy available |
A Review of the Agroforestry Systems of Costa RicaBackgroundThis literature review provides a historical overview of agroforestry systems in Costa Rica from the 1970s to the present. Available with subscription or purchase |
Impacts of Native Trees on Tropical Soils: A Study in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa RicabackgroundThis article describes the results of a study in Costa Rica that compared the soil fertility in a 2.5 year-old plantation of 6 native tree species, grass pasture, and 20 year-old secondary forest. Research Goals & MethodsSoil extractable Ca, Mg, K, P, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn, the pH, exchangeable acidity, organic matter and total N were measured in three plots. Available with subscription or purchase |
Silvicultural and economic aspects of pure and mixed native tree species plantations on degraded pasturelands in humid Costa RicaBackgroundReforestation of degraded land in tropical regions provides one means of restoring ecosystems and improving rural livelihoods. Most plantations in humid tropical regions are established in pure plots using few species of high commercial value, generally exotics. This study compares growth and economic viability of native trees in pure and mixed plantations on degraded land. Available with subscription or purchase |