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Identité et écologie des espèces forestières commerciales d'Afrique Centrale: le cas de Milicia spp. (Identity and ecology of Central African timber tree species: the case of Milicia spp.)The authors explore the literature on two native tree species of commercial value in central Africa:Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia. Known locally as iroko, the authors note that exploitation of the trees have led to a decrease in its abundance. Finally, the authors argue that because the species are recognized as having economic importance, more research is needed on the species' ecologies in order to sustainably manage them.
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Etude de la variabilité génétique et de la phylogéographie de Santiria trimera (Burseraceae) - implications pour une conservation durable des forêts humides d’AfriqueThe author describes the genetic variability and phylogeography of the tree Santiria trimera in Central Africa.
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L’abattage sélectif: une pratique agricole ancestrale au service de la régénération forestière (Selective clearing: Forest regeneration through an ancestral agricultural practice)The author describes selective clearing of forests in crop fields. She notes the benefits of selective clearing such as increased speed of forest regeneration. Finally, the author contrasts the traditional agricultural practices of the Ntumu people to more destructive and widespread methods.
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Évaluation des Directives OIBT pour la restauration, l’aménagement et la réhabilitation des forêts tropicales (Evaluation of ITTO Guidelines for the restoration, management and rehabilitation of tropical forests)This report provides case studies on the restoration of degraded and secondary forests in Ghana, Indonesia, and Mexico. The authors summarized common needs as they relate to each case, such as the needs for efficient governance, financial viability, monitoring and evaluation programs, and integrative management. Finally, they provided recommendations to the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO, or OIBT in French) for priorities and future areas of interest.
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Du suivi à l’évaluation: à la recherche d’indicateurs opérationnels en écologie de la restauration (From monitoring to evaluation: in search of operational indicators in restoration ecology)The authors shed light on issues related to monitoring and evaluation of wetland restoration projects. They note that monitoring and evaluation oftentimes lack enough support to be effective. One suggestion the authors put forth is the notion that monitoring/evaluation should be a discipline in its own right if we are to have successful restoration projects in the future.
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Restauration écologique: contexte, contraintes et indicateurs de suivi (Ecological restoration: context, constraints and indicators for monitoring)The authors provide a review of the literature on ecological restoration. Most imprtantly, the authors focus on the importance of indicators in ecological restoration projects.
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Etude environnementale de la Réserve naturelle forestière de Bururi (Environmental study of the Bururi forest reserve)The author presents a study of the Buruni forest reserve in Burundi (RNFB). He puts the current state of the forest in a historical context and provides a survey of animals and plants living in the reserve. The author details the forest reserve's ecological functioning and provides hydrologic and climatic data about the reseve along with discusses the threats to the Buruni forest reserve and offers suggestions for its protection.
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Effet de la lumière des trouées de la canopée sur le potentiel et la dissémination de Gnetum africanum dans les écosystèmes forestiers congolaisThis article examines Gnetum africanum, a species of commercial interest in Central African forests. The authors Iinvestigated the importance of light in Gnetum africanum dispersal and regeneration by analysing the effect of canopy gaps on Gnetum africanum in different forest types. Ther determined that Gnetum africanum is a shade tolerant species that needs shade to germinate and prefers low light levels as juveniles.
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Crise de l’économie de plantation et modification du paysage agraire dans l’ancienne boucle du cacao: l’exemple de Daoukro (Economic Crisis of Plantation and Landscape Modification in the Former Cocoa Belt: The Example of Daoukro)backgroundThis article explores the history of agrarian transition in the Ivory Coast's former cacao belt. Conclusions & TakeawaysThe shift away from cacao production to commodities like rubber, rice, cashews and oil palm results in changes in labor conditions and social relations.
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Rôle des perturbations actuelles et passées dans la dynamique et mosaique forestière (Role of current and past disturbances on dynamics and forest mosaics)The author broadly discusses community and population dynamics in tropical forests, including mortality and dispersal. He highlights the role of animal dispersal and disturbances in modifying stand heterogeneity.
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