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Les initiatives de restauration des paysages forestiers du WWF (WWF's Forest Landscape Restoration Initiatives)

The pamphlet provides an overview of WWF's forest landscape restoration (FLR) projects worldwide.


Open access copy available

Les forêts plantées dans les économies émergentes: Bonnes pratiques pour des investissements durables et responsables (The forests planted in emerging economies: Best practices for sustainable and responsible investments)

The authors provide a summary of best practices regarding sustainable and responsible investments in forests.


Open access copy available

Les attaques des Termites (Isoptera) dans les parcelles de reboisement de la Grande Muraille Verte au Sénégal (The attacks of termites in the reforestation plots of the Great Green Wall in Senegal)

This article focuses on the interactions between termites (Isoptera) and woody species in the Great Green Wall in Senegal. The authors identified 15 woody species attacked by 14 species of termites and found that Boscia senegalensis and Balanites aegyptiaca were motst likely to be attacked by termites.


Open access copy available

Plan d'amenagement et de gestion de la foret galerie de Makera: 2009-2013 (Management plan for the Makera gallery forest: 2009-2013)

This report provides a biologic, economic, and sociologic context for the state of the Makera gallery forest in Rwanda.The authors provide plans for management, ongoing research, and community engagement with the forest.

Open access copy available

Les Forêts du Bassin du Congo: Etat des Forêts 2006 (Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2006)

The authors compiled an comprehensive report on the state of the forests in twelve forested landscapes of the Congo Basin region of Africa. They include a wide range of topics including conservation, human inhabitants of the forests, exploitation of forest resources, other threats to the forest, and priorities for restoration.


Available with subscription or purchase

Les facteurs déterminants le succès de reproduction de la Tourterelle des bois (Streptopelia turtur) dans un milieu agricole Nord-Africain

The authors provide ecological information regarding the use of trees and agriculture by the turtle dove. They argue for increased research to determine the success of fruit trees on sustaining populations of wildlife.


Open access copy available

Le secteur des terres: solution au problème du dérèglement climatique? (The lands sector: solution to climate change?)

The author discusses the merits of using agriculture as a way of sequestering carbon through the use of agroforestry. He presents various case studies of successful re-greening efforts in Africa and noted that investments in agroecology can increase food security and climate resilience. Finally, the author notes that rural areas need to be taken into account when considering climate negotiations because they hold the potential to drastically increase carbon sequestration.


Open access copy available

Identité et écologie des espèces forestières commerciales d'Afrique Centrale: le cas de Milicia spp. (Identity and ecology of Central African timber tree species: the case of Milicia spp.)

The authors explore the literature on two native tree species of commercial value in central Africa:Milicia excelsa and Milicia regia. Known locally as iroko, the authors note that exploitation of the trees have led to a decrease in its abundance. Finally, the authors argue that because the species are recognized as having economic importance, more research is needed on the species' ecologies in order to sustainably manage them.


Open access copy available

La gestion des forêts communautaires face au défi de la pauvreté et du développement rural (Community forest management in the face of poverty and rural development challenges)

The author questions whether community forestry in Cameroon will be able to sustain rural livelihoods. S/he advocates for other value systems to be integrated into management plans in order to decrease poverty while benefitting conservation.


Open access copy available

Etude de la variabilité génétique et de la phylogéographie de Santiria trimera (Burseraceae) - implications pour une conservation durable des forêts humides d’Afrique

The author describes the genetic variability and phylogeography of the tree Santiria trimera in Central Africa.



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