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Biodiversity Conservation in Traditional Coffee Systems of Mexico


This article discusses the capacity of traditional coffee agroforestry systems for maintaining biodiversity levels.

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Shade management in coffee and cacao plantations


Shade trees reduce the stress of coffee (Coffea spp.) and cacao (Theobroma cacao) by ameliorating adverse climatic conditions and nutritional imbalances and increase the biodiversity of coffee farms, but they may also compete for growth resources. This review summarizes the literature on ecological aspects of shade-grown coffee and cacao and on management of shade trees, but does not address economic and social aspects of shade-grown coffee and cacao.

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Arboles de Centroamerica: un Manual para Extensionistas (Trees of Central America: a Manual for Extentionists)



Los agricultores de Centro América afrontan una compleja realidad que usualmente no es considerada en las iniciativas de manejo sostenible, lo que repercute en la falta de éxito de estas. En un esfuerzo por insertar las necesidades reales de los agricultores a estas actividades, este manual busca cubrir la brecha de información relacionada a especies arbóreas nativas de América Central.

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Ecological Significance of Crown Functional Traits Across Size Classes and Disturbance Environments in Eight Pioneer Species in a Sri Lankan Rain Forest


This article evaluates the tree crown characteristics of eight pioneer tree species in the Shorea-Mesua vegetation type (an aseasonal, mixed dipterocarp forest) around the Sinharaja World Heritage Forest Reserve in southwest Sri Lanka.

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The Ecophysiology of Pioneer Tree Species in Relation to their Disturbance Ecology in a Wet Lowland Rainforest, Sri Lanka


This dissertation evaluates pioneers species and their response to light availability and disturbance characteristics in the Shorea-Mesua vegetation type (an aseasonal, mixed dipterocarp forest) around the Sinharaja World Heritage Forest Reserve in southwest Sri Lanka.

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Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forest Lands


This article discusses the options for the rehabilitation of degraded land on high rainfall areas. It suggests that it is both environmentally and economically disadvantageous to let the degraded land remain in an unproductive and rapidly eroding state.

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Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems


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Plantaciones forestales con especies nativas: Una alternativa para la producción de madera y la provisión de servicios ambientales (Native species tree plantations: and alternative for wood production and environmental services)

Se presenta un panorama general del desarrollo de las actividades de plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica, así como algunos resultados de ensayos de rehabilitación de áreas degradadas con especies forestales nativas en la Estación Biológica La Selva. Durante 12 años, se midió anualmente el crecimiento y la producción de biomasa aérea de doce especies nativas en rodales mixtos y puros, como asi también la fertilidad del suelo bajo plantaciones puras de cuatro especies forestales nativas.

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Growth of dipterocarp seedlings in artificial gaps: An experiment in a logged-over rainforest in South Kalimantan, Indonesia


Regeneration of dipterocarps following logging has become a crucial issue in tropical forest management. Secondary forest frequently and rapidly replaces dipterocarps in large logged-over patches. If unmanaged, these secondary forest patches are often composed of unmerchantable early-succession species. It has been hypothesized that dipterocarps grow most successfully in small gaps.

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Technical and Financial Analysis of Enrichment Planting in Logging Gaps as a Potential Component of Forest Management in the Eastern Amazon


This study investigates the potential for managing timber tree species regeneration in disturbed areas within logged forests in the eastern Amazon through the experimental introduction of seeds and seedlings.

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Appropriate Measures for Conservation of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks: Analysis of Trends of Forest Management in Southeast Asia


The ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia have seen rapid deforestation and subsequent carbon losses in the past few decades, as lands are cleared for other land uses. This study analyzes the implications of different land management scenarios on carbon stocks.

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Restauración ecológica de bosques tropicales en Costa Rica: efecto de varios modelos en la producción, acumulación y descomposición de hojarasca




Este estudio se llevó a cabo en Coto Brus, y se enfoca en la restauración de paisajes agrícolas fragmentados dentro del Corredor Biológico Amistosa. El mismo es un área prioritaria para la forestería y la conservación en Costa Rica que ha sido degradrada y transformada por la expansión agrícola durante los pasados 50 años, dejando solo un 25% del bosque original.

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Produção De Leite Com Sistemas Silvipastoris Intensivos (Milk Production with Intensive Silvopastoral Systems)

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Regeneración natural de plantas leñosas en una plantación costarricense de Vochysia guatemalensis (Vochysiaceae) y el efecto de la fertilización con P y NPK

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Especies forestales nativas con potencial para reforestación en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú (Native forest species with reforestation value in Oxapampa, Peru)



La organización Pronaturaleza, con el apoyo de The Nature Conservancy (TNC), se encuentra formulando un proyecto de secuestro de carbono con la finalidad de ejecutar Programas de Reforestación y Conservación de Bosques en la zona de amortiguamiento de tres áreas Naturales protegidas en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú.

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Domesticación de recursos naturales nativos en condiciones agroecológicas en el trópico húmedo en el Caribe de Costa Rica (Domestication of native resources in agro-ecological conditions in the humid tropics in Costa Rica)



Bougainvillea S. A. es una iniciativa privada que implementa acciones de domesticación e investigación de plantas medicinales y aromáticas nativas en colaboración con organizaciones académicas y de investigación de Costa Rica y Estados Unidos.

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High Seedling Recruitment of indigenous Tree Species in Forest Plantations in Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya


The study evaluates the potential for seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species in different types of plantations and secondary forest in western Kenya. The plantations are comprised of mixtures and monocultures of single or exotic indigenous tree species.

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Productividad en plantaciones puras y mixtas de especies forestales nativas en la estación biológica La Selva, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica

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Indigenous Trees in West African Forest Plantations: The Need for Domestication by Clonal Techniques


This study evaluates native species tree plantations across West Africa by summarizing existing information on the yield of those plantations, with particular focus on the Cameroon Forest Management and Regeneration Project. It considers the potential for vegetative propagation and clonal selection to increase growth rates and marketability of native species.

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More than Just Trees: Assessing Reforestation Success in Tropical Developing Countries


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