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Plant Respiration in a Warmer World


It has been estimated that, globally, plants release 60 gigatons of CO2 during the respiration process. Many studies have shown that an increase in global temperature will increase leaves respiration rates, which in turn will decrease carbon uptake and increase atmospheric CO2 concentration (contributing even more to higher global temperature).

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Protocolo: Mantenimiento y Fertilización de Parcelas de Reforestación


Como parte del trabajo de investigación que viene desarrollando el Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA), se ha realizado la instalación de parcelas experimentales de reforestación en áreas degradadas por actividad minera en Madre de Dios.

As part of the research work being carried out by the Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA), experimental reforestation plots have been installed in areas degraded by mining activity in Madre de Dios.

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Survival and Early Growth of 51 Tropical Tree Species in Areas Degraded by Artisanal Gold Mining in the Peruvian Amazon


Artisanal and small-scale gold mining has dramatically changed the landscape of tropical ecosystems, completely removing the soil and vegetation and polluting it with mercury disposals. In order to recover these degraded spaces, reforestation projects need to enhance their knowledge of restoration species growth and survival rates under different site conditions, as well as their fertilization needs.

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Exotic Eucalypts: From Demonized Trees to Allies of Tropical Forest Restoration?


Timber, being a product in high demand globally, presents a lucrative market opportunity, and restoration efforts could potentially generate income through the targeted extraction of this material. While the incorporation of commercially valuable exotic trees might incentivize farmers to participate in restoration projects, it raises significant ecological concerns among experts.

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Mapping tree species vulnerability to multiple threats as a guide to restoration and conservation of tropical dry forests


The global biodiversity crisis is exacerbated by anthropogenic threats such as climate change, habitat conversion, and overexploitation. Evaluating the susceptibility of ecosystems and species to these threats is imperative for strategic and cost-effective planning of restoration and conservation efforts.

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Slowing Amazon Deforestation through Public Policy and Interventions in Beef and Soy Supply Chains


The process of deforestation, involving the extensive removal of mature forest, witnessed a notable decline, plummeting from a 10-year average of 19,500 km2 up to 2005 to 5843 in 2013—a remarkable 70% reduction. This reduction is believed to have initiated a chain reaction of positive consequences, including a diminished risk of regional rainfall inhibition, fewer alterations in river discharge and sedimentation, and an upswing in biodiversity conservation.

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Mapping carbon accumulation potential from global natural forest regrowth


The authors note that previous studies have estimated the potential for carbon sequestration through afforestation and reforestation, but there has been less focus on the potential for natural forest regrowth. They also highlight the need for more accurate estimates of carbon accumulation rates in regrowing natural forests, as well as a better understanding of the factors that influence these rates.

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Forest Health and Global Change


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Mining in the Amazon: Importance, impacts, and challenges to restore degraded ecosystems. Are we on the right way?


With mining playing a significant role in the economies of Amazonian countries, there is a growing urgency to understand, mitigate, and restore the degraded ecosystems that result from these mining operations. These tasks present a complex set of challenges, including technological limitations, legal inconsistencies, and a shortage of qualified professionals.

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Restauración ecológica de bosques tropicales en Costa Rica: efecto de varios modelos en la producción, acumulación y descomposición de hojarasca


La deforestación altera los ciclos de nutrientes y aumenta la fuga de nutrientes del ecosistema con altos costos ambientales y sociales. No obstante, la deforestación sigue siendo intensa en la mayoría de los países tropicales, especialmente en América Latina, donde los bosques son talados y rápidamente convertidos para la agricultura. Así, las estrategias de restauración en los trópicos son indispensables considerando la gran escala de degradación y la necesidad de mantener procesos ecológicos vitales. 

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Evaluating the success of direct seeding for tropical forest restoration over ten years


The main causes of deforestation in the Amazon are large-scale agriculture and cattle ranching, which have led to the loss of millions of hectares of forest. To address this issue, different mechanisms have been implemented since 2005 to reduce deforestation and increase forest restoration.  However, highly modified, degraded areas with a long history of use may take a long time to regenerate naturally or may not recover into a secondary forest. Therefore, active restoration methods are needed to accomplish this massive obligation.

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An overview of forest loss and restoration in the Brazilian Amazon


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Direct seeded and colonizing species guarantee successful early restoration of South Amazon forests


South Amazon forests have been highly deforested, including the legally protected riparian forests. Direct seeding is a low cost method, easy-to-implement at large scale. The authors emphasize the imperative to reduce the costs and enhance the outcomes of restoration efforts, which have become mainstream solutions in countering biodiversity loss and climate change around the world.

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The effect of ecological restoration methods on carbon stocks in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest


There is a critical need for effective ecological restoration strategies in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots globally, with extensive areas degraded due to human activities such as deforestation and land use change. Especifically, to understanding how different restoration methods impact carbon sequestration in this ecosystem and promote the recovery of this vital ecosystem. 

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Do primary rainforest tree species recruit into passively and actively restored tropical rainforest?


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Discolouring the Amazon Rainforest: how deforestation is affecting butterfly coloration


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Carbon loss and removal due to forest disturbance and regeneration in the Amazon


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Active restoration accelerates the carbon recovery of human-modified tropical forests


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Agroforestry systems recover tree carbon stock faster than natural succession in Eastern Amazon, Brazil


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Restoring soil carbon and chemical properties through silvopastoral adoption in the Colombian Amazon region


The traditional livestock production in this region causes the loss of forest areas each year, leading to soil degradation and loss of biodiversity. Silvopastoral systems have become an attractive alternative with positive effects for the environment, society, and the regional economy. The study was conducted in two counties in the northwestern Colombian Amazon, which are representative of the hilly landscape typical for Silvopastoral systems implementation. 

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