An overview of forest loss and restoration in the Brazilian Amazon

An overview of forest loss and restoration in the Brazilian Amazon


The accelerated process of forest loss and degradation in the Brazilian Amazon began in the 1970s due to government-promoted economic development initiatives. This led to significant deforestation, with approximately 20% (780,967 km2) of the region being affected . Nevertheless, the region still lacks scientific studies that reinforce the choice of best practices for forest restoration, and the information currently available is not enough to quantify what has already been recovered or the potential area to be restored.

Goals and methods:

The goals of this paper are to comprehensively address the historical, political, and socioeconomic context of forest loss and degradation in the Brazilian Amazon, analyze deforestation rates, identify major restoration projects, assess the existing scientific literature, and provide an overview of forest loss and restoration efforts in the region.

Conclusions and Takeaways:

While significant deforestation has occurred in the Brazilian Amazon, there is potential for forest restoration in the region. The authors provide a holistic understanding of the complex dynamics of forest loss and restoration in the Brazilian Amazon, and the importance of integrating historical, scientific, and socioeconomic perspectives to inform future conservation and restoration initiatives in the region. In addition, they underscore the need for continued research and evaluation of the most appropriate techniques for restoring lost or degraded forests in the Brazilian Amazon.



da Cruz DConrado, Benayas JMaria Rey, Ferreira GCosta, Santos SRibeiro, Schwartz G. An overview of forest loss and restoration in the Brazilian AmazonAbstract. New Forests. 2021;52(1):1 - 16. doi:10.1007/s11056-020-09777-3.