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Carbon Sequestration and Plant Community Dynamics Following Reforestation of Tropical Pasture


Conversion of abandoned cattle pasture to secondary forest in the tropics is a potential means to increase carbon sequestration as well as to enhance local biodiversity. This study uses data from a long-term tropical reforestation project – Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico – to estimate rates of above- and belowground carbon sequestration.

Open access copy available

Can Native Tree Species Plantations in Panama Compete with Teak Plantations? An Economic Estimation


Panama has high rates of primary forest conversion, resulting in depleted timber resources. In response, the timber plantation industry is growing to meet demand, often with non-native species. This study compares the economic feasibility of using native tree species vs non-native species for plantation forestry.

Open access copy available

Especies para reforestación en Nicaragua (Species for Reforestation in Nicaragua)


This manual provides information about multipurpose trees in Nicaragua.

Available with subscription or purchase

Restoration of degraded forest land in Thailand: the case of Khao Kho


Open access copy available

How Successful is Tree growing for Smallholders in the Amazon?


Open access copy available

Manual of Reforestation and Erosion Control for the Philippines


This manual provides a detailed guide to reforestation, including information about species selection, nursery techniques, site preparation and plantation design, weed and fire control, stand improvement and other practical aspects of establishing and managing tree plantations. Additionally, there is a large portion devoted to erosion control, using trees and engineered structures to stabilize slopes and decrease the velocity of water runoff.

Open access copy available

Comportamiento de las especies y preferencias de los productores. Plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica y Nicaragua (Species behavior and farmers' preferences. Forest plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua)



Los autores estudiaron plantaciones comerciales en 112 fincas de productores forestales, en el Cantón de Sarapiquí, Costa Rica y el Departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua.

Open access copy available