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Modelling the Effect of Forest Cover on Shallow Landslides at the River Basin Scale


This study analyzes soil models that can be used to help predict soil erosion which are useful to prioritize reforestation areas of watersheds.

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Rehabilitación de areas degradadas en la Amazonia peruana: Revisión de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas (Rehabilitation of degraded areas in the Peruvian Amazon: Revision of experiences and lessons learned)



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Paying for Biodiversity Conservation Services in Agricultural Landscapes


This document describes the genesis for the World Bank GEF project from 2002-2007 to implement payments for ecosystem services for silvo-pastoral systems in Colombia, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The payments were designed to compensate for biodiversity services: international donor money would be exchanged for the international environmental service of biodiversity.

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Cooperative Republic of Guyana National Forest Plan 2018


The National Forest Plan 2018 was developed in conjunction with the Guyana National Forest Policy Statement with technical and stakeholder input. The Forest Plan describes the implementation steps for the Forest Policy, which will be carried out by the Guyana Forest Committee. 

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The Role of Silvopastoral Systems in the Rehabilitation of Andean Stream Habitats


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Neotropical Secondary Forest Succession: Changes in Structural and Functional Characteristics


This paper reiviews the main biotic and abiotic factors that influence patterns of secondary forest succession in the Neotropics after complete forest clearance due to human activities.

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Drug Policy as Conservation Policy: Narco-Deforestation


Central America exploded into prominence as a drug trafficking corridor in the last decade. The authors document that an unprecedented flow of cocaine into Central America “coincided with a period of extensive forest loss”. The authors discuss the evidence that supports the idea that "trafficking of drugs (principally cocaine) has become a crucial—and overlooked—accelerant of forest loss” in Central America.

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Changing gears during succession: shifting functional strategies in young tropical secondary forests


Adaptations toresource availability strongly shape patterns of community composition along successional gradients in environmental conditions. This study examines the extent to which variation in functional composition explains shifts in trait-based functional strategies in young tropical secondary forests during the most dynamic stage of succession (0–20 years).

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Évaluation des Directives OIBT pour la restauration, l’aménagement et la réhabilitation des forêts tropicales (Evaluation of ITTO Guidelines for the restoration, management and rehabilitation of tropical forests)

This report provides case studies on the restoration of degraded and secondary forests in Ghana, Indonesia, and Mexico. The authors summarized common needs as they relate to each case, such as the needs for efficient governance, financial viability, monitoring and evaluation programs, and integrative management. Finally, they provided recommendations to the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO, or OIBT in French) for priorities and future areas of interest.


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Globalization and Forest Resurgence: Changes in Forest Cover in El Salvador


The authors study certain globalization impacts in land-use change in El Salvador. The legacy of war, remittances and international migration are among other factors that have allowed tree resurgence even in highly urban populated areas.  This study tracks the different trajectories of forest recovery by analysing remote-sensing satellite images from 1970's to the early 2000's.

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Towards Productive Landscapes


Increasingly, practitioners, scientists, and policymakers are recognizing the need to puruse integrated landscape level initiatives to address restoration issues. Given this, this report draws on 29 papers by practitioners all over the world that highlight both the successes and challenges of landscape approaches in order to inform the future of these practices.

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Non-timber Forest Product Harvest does not Affect the Genetic Diversity of a Tropical Tree Despite Negative Effects on Population Fitness


The authors investigated a relationship between exploitation of economically important mahogany in Benin and the species genetic diversity. The study is base on the theory that disturbances in forest habitats can lead to a decrease in diversity due to population fragmentation and increased inbreeding.

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Stakeholders and Tropical Reforestation: Challenges, Trade-Offs, and Strategies in Dynamic Environments


The authors recognize that reforestation efforts require trade-offs, yet they claim that successful efforts requires stakeholder engagement beyond the planning stages and the acknowledgement that stakeholder dynamics, interests, and roles change over time. To support this claim, the authors first do a relevant literature review and then the examine a single case study of a multi-stakeholder workshop in Mexico. 

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Targeted reforestation could reverse declines in connectivity for understory birds in a tropical habitat corridor


This study looks at how conservation efforts over the last 25 years have impacted functional connectivity of forest habitat in northeastern Costa Rica’s San Juan-La Selva Biological Corridor. The study focuses on insectivorous understory forest birds.

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Restauration des paysages forestiers: Exemples concrets dans 5 écorégions (Forest Landscapre Restoration: Concrete examples from 5 ecoregions)

This publication gives an overview of five ecosystems in which WWF is currently working on forest landscape restoration projects. The cases are in China, Bulgaria, Brazil, Malaysia, and New Caledonia.


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Banco de semillas del suelo y su papel en la recuperación de los bosques tropicales (Soil seed banks and its role in tropical forest recovery)



Entender los factores que determinan la regeneración natural en el trópico es crucial para la planificación y dirección de esfuerzos de restauración exitosos.

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Restoring tropical forests from the bottom up


Written in 2017, this article acknowledges that numerous countries around the world have committed to restoring large areas of forest in the next decade or so. Given these challenging targets, the authors seeks to understand how they can be met given competing land uses. She draws on several case studies to answer this broad question, including ones from Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. 

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Pastures and Cash Crops: Biomass Flows in the Socio-Metabolic Transition of Twentieth-Century Colombian Agriculture


The authors acknowledge that the appropriation of biomass worldwide has significantly increased over the twentieth century, primarily due to the expansion of industrial agriculture. These trends have caused detrimental issues, including soil erosion, a decline in biodiversity, damage to human health, and deforestation. Using Colombia as a case-study, this article presents a long-term estimation of biomass flows. 

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Partnering with cattle ranchers for forest landscape restoration


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The ecology of peace: preparing Colombia for new political and planetary climates


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