Towards Productive Landscapes

Towards Productive Landscapes


Increasingly, practitioners, scientists, and policymakers are recognizing the need to puruse integrated landscape level initiatives to address restoration issues. Given this, this report draws on 29 papers by practitioners all over the world that highlight both the successes and challenges of landscape approaches in order to inform the future of these practices.

Conclusions & Takeaways

The articles explore three main themes: the role of forests in mosaic landscapes, governance arrangements at the landscape scale, and key factors contributing to success in landscape management. They also highlight the way in which the landscape approach increases social cohesion. While these benefits are encouraging, the paper does call for a systematic framework to assess and evaluate landscape approaches and a clear language to discuss them.



Chavez-Tafur, J. and Zagt, R.J.(eds.). (2014). Towards Productive Landscapes. Wageningen: Tropenbos International. ETFRN News, issue no. 56. 246 pp.


  • Tropenbos International and and the Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture (ILEIA), part of the AgriCultures Network