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Forest Transition in Vietnam and Bhutan: Causes and Environmental Impacts


The authors evaluate the history of forest transition Vietnam and Bhutan.

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Forests for the Future: Growing and Planting Native Trees for Restoring Forest Ecosystems


This book provides an accessible and practical guide to forest restoration. The text focuses on reforestation in Thailand and offers insights into reforestation in other tropical countries.

Open access copy available

Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforests Based on Indigenous Species for Degraded Areas in Sarawak, Malaysia


This study describes the success of native species planted in areas of abandoned shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Open access copy available

Assisted Natural Regeneration: Methods, Results and Issues Relevant to Sustained Participation by Communities


This article describes forest restoration in Kandis village on Palawan Island, Philippines, an  assisted natural regeneration (ANR) project, and focuses on the social issues that affect success of ANR projects.

Open access copy available

Helping Forests to Help Themselves—Accelerating Natural Regeneration


This chapter walks through the basic techniques of accelerated (or assisted) natural regeneration (ANR), describing when it is appropriate, when it should be combined with other techniques, how to increase the seed rain, and areas of needed research.

Open access copy available

Reforestation and Farmers


This chapter provides an overview of reforestation programs involving smallholder farmers, highlighting factors that influence the attractiveness of reforestation to different types of farmers.

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Direct Seeding of Forest Trees in Grassland Communities of Carranglan, Luzon Island


This study concerns the survival of 12 native pioneer species and one exotic species when directly sown into grasslands (Themeda triandra and Imperata cylindrica grasses). They were monitored for 16 weeks . The Authors note that direct seeding studies are important because direct seeding is cheaper and faster than nursery propagation.

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Restoration of native forests from Japan to Malaysia


This paper describes the "Miyawaki method" to afforestation and its application in an urban setting in Malaysia. This method, which relies on a densley planted mix of seedling species from seeds collected in neighboring forests, has been utilized throughout Japan and is gaining momentum in new tropical locations as well.

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