Direct Seeding of Forest Trees in Grassland Communities of Carranglan, Luzon Island
This study concerns the survival of 12 native pioneer species and one exotic species when directly sown into grasslands (Themeda triandra and Imperata cylindrica grasses). They were monitored for 16 weeks . The Authors note that direct seeding studies are important because direct seeding is cheaper and faster than nursery propagation.
Research Goals & Methods
The site had a dry season from Oct/Nov to April/May and poor soil. Small seeds (<15mm) were sown at a depth of 2 cm, while larger seeds were sown at a depth of 3-4 cm; 25 or 50 seeds were sown per block with a total of 4 blocks in the experiment.
Conclusions & Takeaways
The following species showed the following survival rates: Cicca acida(exotic), no survival; Voacanga globosa (Bayag-usa), 69%; Guioa koelreuteria, 57%; Bombax ceiba, 47%; Wrightia pubescensssp. Laniti, 45%; Pterocymbium tinctorium, 31%; Madhuca betis, 23%; Macaranga tanarius, 11%; Leea guineensis, 13%; Cf. Glochidion, 13%; Albizia procera, 5%; Parkia roxburghii, 1%; Chisocheton pentandrus, no survival.
Baguinon, N.T. 1990. “Direct seeding of forest trees in grassland communities of Carranglan, Luzon Island” in Research on multipurpose tree species in Asia : proceedings of an international workshop held November 19-23,1990, Taylor, D.A. and MacDicken, K.G. (eds). Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, Bangkok, pp.139-147.