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Poverty reduction in the Doi Mae Salong Landscape


The Doi Mae Salong Landscape has experienced deragadation in ecosystem services due to a variety of reasons along with the significant poverty and high risk to climatic variations. The IUCN partnered with the Supreme Commander’s Office of the Royal Thai Armed Forces to pursue forest restoration and support local livelihoods. The program ran from 2010 to 2013 in the Chiang Rai Province of Thailand.

Open access copy available

Environmental Impacts of Community-Based Forest Management in the Philippines


This article describes the history of the Community-Based Forest Management program in the Philippines. In the past century, over 70% of the Philippines' forests have been lost, and other existing lands degraded due to massive logging, extreme poverty, and shifting cultivation.

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Community Based Forest Management in Cambodia and Laos


This working document provides a comparison of community-based forest management (CBFM) in Cambodia and Laos. Some foundational factors distinguish the two countries, including governmental structure, population, ethnicities, and terrain. However, in both countries, a majority of the population lives in rural subsistence communities, with livelihoods often strongly dependent on forest use.

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What Does it Take? The Role of Incentives in Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific


This document is a compilation of case studies from different countries on the incentives and their impact on plantation development in South and Southeast Asia. The countries addressed are Australia, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Sabah (Malaysia), Thailand, and the United States.

Open access copy available

Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Ecosystems in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam: An Overview


This document describes reforestation policies and actions in the four countries of the lower Mekong river: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Open access copy available

Tree Plantations in the Philippines and Thailand: Economic, Social, and Environmental Evaluation


Tropical land area under plantations have dramatically increased in recent decades, largely as a result of natural forest depletion. Forest plantations cannot qualitatively substitute the timber or the habitat of natural forests, yet are growing in global importance both commercially and ecologically. However, the negative and positive social and environmental impacts must also be included in analysis of tropical forest plantations.

Open access copy available

Trees Commonly Cultivated in Southeast Asia: An Illustrated Field Guide


This manual is an identification guide for the commonly-encountered trees of Southeast Asia. It provides botanical information for conifers, broad-leafed trees, bamboos, palms, and bananas.

Open access copy available

Institutional Issues and Political Challenges in Scaling Up Agroforestry: The Case of Landcare in the Philippines


This paper presents the results of case studies of four municipalities in the Philippines participating in the Landcare agroforestry program which benefited from differing levels of institutional, technical, and government support. The paper assesses how effectively the Landcare program was able to scale up based on differing levels of support.

Open access copy available

NParks Flora and Fauna Web, Singapore


NParks Flora&FaunaWeb was developed to provide information on both flora and fauna of Singapore.

Open access copy available

Towards an Ecology-Based Strategy for the Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica Grasslands in East Kalimantan


This chapter assesses an ecology-based strategy to accelerate the reforestation of grassland towards a dipterocarp-dominated plantation with natural regeneration occuring.

Open access copy available

Forest Transition Pathways in Asia – Studies from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia


This study draws on data from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia to examine trajectories of forest-cover change along gradients of deforestation and reforestation.

Open access copy available

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Projects: Lessons for Future Policy Design and Implementation


This study reviews six representative Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiatives, two each from Africa, Asia and Latin America, by presenting their strengths, weakensses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).

Open access copy available

InVEST: A Tool for Integrating Ecosystem Services into Policy and Decision-Making


This document explains the InVEST tool, an ecosystem service model (via a software program) used to geographically map the provision of ecosystem services and how they can be affected by development and policies. The model, designed by the Natural Capital Project (collaboration of WWF, TNC, the University of Minnesota, and Stanford University), is intended for planners to maximize the benefit from activities such as reforestation.

Open access copy available

Special Report of Captain George P. Ahern, Ninth U.S. Infantry, in Charge of Forestry Bureau, Philippine Islands, Covering the Period from April, 1900, to July 30,1901


Open access copy available

The Forest Manual Containing the Forest Act (No. 1148): extracts from other laws of Philippine Commission relating to the Forest Service, and the forest regulations prepared in accordance with provisions of the Forest Act


This document contains the text of the Philppine Forest Act, which regulates the use of public forests and reserves. It includes descriptions of  historical regulations, licenses, taxes, harvest limits, violations, and prohibition of caiñgin (swidden plots). It also includes extracts of other relevant laws.

Open access copy available

Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1907-1913


This report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species.

Open access copy available

Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1915-1924


This report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species.

Open access copy available

Philippine Resins, Gums, Seed Oils, and Essential Oils


This bulletin is a compendium of plant species containing exudate or oils that might be commercially exploited. The book also describes the difficulty posed by high species-diversity for economically feasible resin/oil extraction.

Open access copy available

Taungya in the Philippines


This book chapter provides a description of the ecological effects of deforestation in the Philippines and a history of the failed social forestry programs that began in the 1970s.

Open access copy available

One Century of Forest Rehabilitation in the Philippines: Approaches, Outcomes, and Lessons


This chapter provides a review of reforestation efforts in the Philippines, beginning with small-scale forest rehabilitation efforts since 1910. Reforestation was traditionally implemented by government and private companies. Since the mid-1970s, international funders have driven these efforts.

Open access copy available