Philippine Resins, Gums, Seed Oils, and Essential Oils

Philippine Resins, Gums, Seed Oils, and Essential Oils


This bulletin is a compendium of plant species containing exudate or oils that might be commercially exploited. The book also describes the difficulty posed by high species-diversity for economically feasible resin/oil extraction.

Conclusions & Takeaways

Canangium odoratum (ilang-ilang), Aleurites moluccana, and Aleurites trisperma are promising for reforestation projects and grow well in plantations; great numbers have already been planted. Other promising plantation species include Pongamia pinnata, Sterculia foetida, Terminalia catappa, Sindora supa, Canarium luzonicum, Canarium villosum and Agathis alba, some of which have been planted in limited quantities. The authors include species-level descriptions of a large range of species, describing the exudate/oil/product, the tree morphology, and some notes on geographic distribution and habitat.



West APrice, Brown WHenry. Philippine resins, gums, seed oils, and essential oils. By Augustus P. West .. and William H. Brown .. Bureau of printing,; 1920. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.13515.


  • Bureau of Forestry, Philippines