Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1915-1924
This report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species.
Goals & Method
The objective of the report was to summarize the activities of reforestation in the Philippines over a nine year period, between 1915 and 1924. The report was intended for distribution to the people of the Phillippines in order to educate them about the Bureau of Forestry, a group that was typically not seen in a positive light at the time.
conclusion & takeaways
This report provides the rare opportunity to look at the history of forestry and ecological activities in the tropics. These activities and projects can now be analyzed in the full context of the past 100 years, wherein the arcs of their success, failure, and learnings can be more fully understood.
Sherfesee, W. F., & Fisher, A. F. (1915-1924). Annual Report of the Director of Forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1915-1924.
- Philippines Bureau of Forestry