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Pratiques de restauration des zones degradees d’Afrique de l’Est (Restoration practices in degraded landscapes of Eastern Africa)Open access copy available |
Parcs agroforestiers sahéliens: de la conservation à l’aménagement (Agroforestry parks of the Sahel: from conservation to management)Open access copy available |
Impact des aménagements de conservation des eaux et des sols sur la régénération des ressources ligneuses en zone sahélienne et nord soudanienne du Burkina FasoThe article seeks to catalogue trees used for traditional tools. The authors note that in certain areas, over exploitation of resources for traditional needs contributed to forest and soil degradation. They conclude arguing that traditional knowledge must be documented and taken into account in order for sustainable development projects to be successful.
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Quelles sont les causes de la déforestation dans le bassin du Congo? Synthèse bibliographique et études de cas (What are the causes of deforestation in the Congo Basin? Bibliographic synthesis and case studies)Open access copy available |
Régénération naturelle assistée des forêts villageoises et promotion d’activités génératrices de revenus au profit des populations rurales au Burkina FasoThe authors describe the mission of the nongovernmental organization NewTree, which seeks to support rural populations in their fight against desertification and poverty. They discuss assisted natural regeneration in Burkina Faso in particular, as a means of generating sustainable revenue and state that the program has successfully preserved 225 hectares of land while generating income for rural communities.
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La participation communautaire au cœur du modèle de restauration de la Grande muraille verte africaine (Community participation at the heart of the model for restoration of the Great Green Wall)The authors describe the African initiative of the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel, which is currently in process. Thay note that the initiative is gainaing visibility and includes 110 participating villages. The article concludes by calling for support for these types of initiaties.
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Evaluation of Natural Regeneration and Tree species diversity in Miombo woodlands in MalawibackgroundThis study seeks to determine the best management practices for the miombo woodland in Chongoni Forest Reserve, Malawi. Open access copy available |
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Indian ForestsbackgroundWhile deforestation in the tropics is a common subject of concern, India has retained a net positive afforestation rate from 1951-2000, with greatest gains after 1980. These efforts have afforested 35 MHa. Open access copy available |
The Potential for Species Conservation in Tropical Secondary ForestsBackgroundThe importance of tropical secondary forests for conserving biodiversity increases with the degradation of old-growth forests, yet little is known about the role that these forests play in promoting biodiversity. Geospatial and temporal factors influence the role of secondary forests in species conservation, and this synthesis of case studies evaluates the significance of these factors on regional and landscape scales. Open access copy available |
Bosques de los Andes orientales de Bolivia y sus especies útiles (Forests of the western Andes of Bolivia and its useful species)EspañolantecedentesLos bosques montanos sostienen no solo un gran biodiversidad, sino además los medios de vida de poblaciones indígenas y mestizas. Es necesario conocer las especies de potencial económico que presentan los bosques montanos a fin de asegurar su conservación y manejo a largo plazo. Open access copy available |
Árboles y arbustos nativos potencialmente valiosos para la restauración ecológica y la reforestación (Trees and shrubs potentially valuable for ecological restoration and reforestation)EspañolantecedentesEl presente trabajo incluye información de especies leñosas con potencial para su uso en programas de desarrollo agroforestal, ecología de la restauración y reforestación. Open access copy available |
Árboles para Palmira. Especies que fortalecen la Estructura Ecológica Principal (Trees for Palmira. Species that strengthen the ecological structure)EspañolantecedentesEl artículo forma parte de la investigación Fortalecimiento de la Estructura Ecológica Principal a partir de la identificación y selección de especies para la arborización urbana, que se lleva a cabo en siete ciudades colombianas. Open access copy available |
Árboles para Cúcuta. Especies que fortalecen la Estructura Ecológica Principal (Trees for Cucuta. Species that strengthen the ecological structure)EspañolantecedentesEl artículo forma parte de la investigación Fortalecimiento de la Estructura Ecológica Principal a partir de la identificación y selección de especies para la arborización urbana, que se lleva a cabo en siete ciudades de Colombia. Open access copy available |
Farmers’ planting practices in Burkina FasoBackgroundImproved Seed Supply for Agroforestry in African Countries (ISSAAC) is a Danish funded project led by ICRAF, FLD, and national seed centers in Burkina Faso, Malawi, and Uganda. This paper focuses on the project in Burkina Faso, whose overall objective is to improve farmer access to agroforestry seed. Open access copy available |
Increasing local capacities in rural PanamaBackgroundWhile Panama continues to have high levels of biodiversity, the country loss large swaths of forest between 1950 to 2000 primarily due to the expansion and intensification of cattle ranching. Drawing from their work with local ranchers, the authors review the emergence of cattle ranching in Panama along with potential solutions and unique approaches to halting these trends. Open access copy available |
Sustainable ranching and restoring forests in agricultural landscapes, PanamaBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Artisan Non-Timber Forest Products in Darien Province in Panama: The Importance of ContextBackgroundOpen access copy available |
A Multicountry Assessment of Tropical Resource Monitoring by Local CommunitiesBackgroundThe study compared data collected on status and trends collected independently by local community members and trained scientists for 63 taxa and five types of resource use in 34 tropical forest sites over 2.5 years so examine the assumption that local people are less objective than external scientists when monitoring natural resources. Open access copy available |
300,000 Hectares Restored in Shinyanga, Tanzania — but what did it really take to achieve this restoration?BackgroundOpen access copy available |
Local ecological knowledge of trees on farms, constraints and opportunities for further integratino in Tigray Region, northern Ethiopia: A Case Study of smallholder farmers in Abreha Wa Atsbeha and Adi GudomBackgroundOpen access copy available |