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Application of Mycorrhizal Roots Improves Growth of Tropical Tree Seedlings in the Nursery: A Step Towards Reforestation with Native Species in the Andes of Ecuador


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Direct Seeding for Forest Restoration on Abandoned Agricultural Land in Northern Thailand


One problem with using direct seeding in reforestation is the predation and desiccation of the seeds. In this research, authors tested the effect of scarification, burial, mulch application, and scarification with burial to determine the germination speed of four native species (Sapindus rarak, Lithocarpus elegans, Spondias axillaris, Erythrina subumbrans) in northern Thailand.

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Environmental Impacts of Community-Based Forest Management in the Philippines


This article describes the history of the Community-Based Forest Management program in the Philippines. In the past century, over 70% of the Philippines' forests have been lost, and other existing lands degraded due to massive logging, extreme poverty, and shifting cultivation.

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Restoration of seasonal semideciduous forests in Brazil: influence of age and restoration design on forest structure


With the high rates of deforestation in tropical regions, the restoration of degraded lands has become an important way for maintaining the diversity of plant communities and for creating wildlife habitats. Evaluating the success of restored areas is essential for improving restoration designs and for successfully restoring such complex ecosystems.

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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Restoration of dry tropical forests in Central America: A review of pattern and process


Much information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest, of which less than 2% remains intact.

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Rationale and Methods for Conserving Biodiversity in Plantation Forests


When compared to degraded lands, developed lands, or areas of intensive industrial agriculture, forest plantations can positively contribute to biodiversity conservation. However, when monoculture stands of exotic trees, or native trees not typically found in single-species stands are used for plantations, they have been found to have impoverished flora and fauna compared with natural forest.

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Biomass Equations for Tropical Tree Plantations Using Secondary Data from the Philippines


This study advances models for biomass estimation of tropical forests using equations verified by sampling in Philippines plantations. Evidence-based, site-specific equations for biomass estimation can avoid the need for frequent destructive sampling.

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Promoting Biodiversity Co-Benefits in REDD


This article describes the potential for maximizing biodiversity conservation as a co-benefit of REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation).

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Community Based Forest Management in Cambodia and Laos


This working document provides a comparison of community-based forest management (CBFM) in Cambodia and Laos. Some foundational factors distinguish the two countries, including governmental structure, population, ethnicities, and terrain. However, in both countries, a majority of the population lives in rural subsistence communities, with livelihoods often strongly dependent on forest use.

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What Does it Take? The Role of Incentives in Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific


This document is a compilation of case studies from different countries on the incentives and their impact on plantation development in South and Southeast Asia. The countries addressed are Australia, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Sabah (Malaysia), Thailand, and the United States.

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Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest Ecosystems in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam: An Overview


This document describes reforestation policies and actions in the four countries of the lower Mekong river: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam.

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Potential of Agroforestry and Plantation Systems in Indonesia for Carbon Stocks: an Economic Perspective


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Regreening the Bare Hills- Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region (Overview)


In this book, the author addresses various concepts and techniques for reforestation in the deforested areas of the Asia-Pacific Region.

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The Agua Salud Project, Central Panama


The Agua Salud Project is located in the watershed that includes and surrounds the Panama Canal, an engineering feat that largely relies on natural hydrological systems. Much of this watershed has been deforested, thus an official policy has been put into place to reforest and regain ecosystem services. This project seeks to utilize the globalize role of the canal to bring attention to the ecosystem services of the region. 

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Maya Nut Reforestation


Maya Nut is an NGO that seeks to find balance between people, forests, and food. While they do not run a reforestation program directly, they do work closely with communities to reforest degraded lands throughout Latin America. The mission of the program is to conserve the Maya nut tree, Brosimum alicastrum, by planting trees and teaching rural and indigenous women to harvest and process the seed for food and income.

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SPVS Reforestation in the Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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CHOCO2-Maquipucuna Foundation


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Nagarote Reforestation and Community Development Project - SosteNica


SosteNica and CEPRODEL work together to provide microcredit and technical assistance to help communities in Nicaragua improve the environmental on their land while also improving the economic opportunities for those communities.

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Forest Plantations on Imperata Grasslands in Indonesia: Establishment, Silviculture, and Utilization Potential


This dissertation presents results from multiple studies of reforestation on areas dominated by Imperata cylindrica grass in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

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