Biomass Equations for Tropical Tree Plantations Using Secondary Data from the Philippines
This study advances models for biomass estimation of tropical forests using equations verified by sampling in Philippines plantations. Evidence-based, site-specific equations for biomass estimation can avoid the need for frequent destructive sampling.
research goals & methods
The study uses existing data from prior biomass studies of multiple sites in the Philippines. Linear regression was conducted to fit data to the power function Y = aDb. The study found that regression equations based solely on diameter adequately estimate tree biomass at a correlation of 90% or greater. Establishing adequate biomass equations based solely on diameter is advantageous due to the difficulty of accurate height measurement in forests. However, error increased with trees at large diameters (≥ 30 cm dbh).
conclusions & takeaways
The study finds that site-specific equations for estimating biomass based solely on diameter provide adequate estimates of biomass.
Banaticla R, Sales RF and Lasco RD. 2005. Biomass equations for tropical tree plantation species using secondary data from the Philippines. In: Harrison S, Herbohn J, Suh J, Mangaoang E and Vanclay J,eds. ACIAR Smallholder Forestry Project ASEM 200/008 redevelopment of a timber industry following extensive land clearing: Proceedings from the end-of project workshop, Ormoc City, Philippines 19-21 August 2004. . Ormoc City, Philippines. ACIAR.
- World Agroforestry Centre