Regreening the Bare Hills- Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region (Overview)

Regreening the Bare Hills- Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region (Overview)


In this book, the author addresses various concepts and techniques for reforestation in the deforested areas of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Conclusions & Takeaways

The first two chapters deal with the drivers of deforestation and provide case studies that highlight agricultural, logging, settlement, and other causes of deforestation in specific instances. The following chapters address the advantages, disadvantages, important techniques, and other considerations for the following reforestation methods: Natural Regeneration and Accelerated Successional Development, Monocultural Plantings, Mixed-Species Plantings, Ecological Restoration. The final chapters address important issues for plantation financing, special considerations for reforestation with farmers, and landscape-level reforestation.

At the end of the book, the author sheds light on three different scenarios possible for curbing deforestation and increasing reforestation success. To reach the most optimistic scenario, the author recommends that the quality of new forests are increased, that research and decision-making determine where reforestation where reforestation (and which types in which circumstances) should be made a priority, the dependency on imported technologies be reduced, and finally that standards of governance that constrain degradation and encourage reforestation become improved and more collaborative.



Lamb D. Regreening the Bare Hills. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands; 2011. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9870-2.


  • Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia