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Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador


Conservation of tropical biodiversity in agricultural landscapes has become more important as the area covered by natural ecosystems decreases. Understanding the types of biodiversity common in agriculturally managed lands, and involving farmers in conservation planning, is important for regional conservation goals.

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Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: I. A Review of Quantitative Information on Physiological and Ecological Processes


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Coffee Agroforestry Systems in Central America: II. Development of a Simple Process-Based Model and Preliminary Results


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Biodiversity Conservation in Traditional Coffee Systems of Mexico


This article discusses the capacity of traditional coffee agroforestry systems for maintaining biodiversity levels.

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Shade management in coffee and cacao plantations


Shade trees reduce the stress of coffee (Coffea spp.) and cacao (Theobroma cacao) by ameliorating adverse climatic conditions and nutritional imbalances and increase the biodiversity of coffee farms, but they may also compete for growth resources. This review summarizes the literature on ecological aspects of shade-grown coffee and cacao and on management of shade trees, but does not address economic and social aspects of shade-grown coffee and cacao.

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Multifunctional Shade-Tree Management in Tropical Agroforestry Landscapes – A Review


This article discusses the benefits of shade systems in the production of cacao and coffee crops, with a particular focus on the long-term cycle of cacao production.

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Ecological Significance of Crown Functional Traits Across Size Classes and Disturbance Environments in Eight Pioneer Species in a Sri Lankan Rain Forest


This article evaluates the tree crown characteristics of eight pioneer tree species in the Shorea-Mesua vegetation type (an aseasonal, mixed dipterocarp forest) around the Sinharaja World Heritage Forest Reserve in southwest Sri Lanka.

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Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forest Lands


This article discusses the options for the rehabilitation of degraded land on high rainfall areas. It suggests that it is both environmentally and economically disadvantageous to let the degraded land remain in an unproductive and rapidly eroding state.

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Sustaining mahogany: research and silviculture in Mexico's community forests


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A Review of the Agroforestry Systems of Costa Rica


This literature review provides a historical overview of agroforestry systems in Costa Rica from the 1970s to the present.

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A Survey of Small-Scale Farmers Using Trees in Pastures in Herrera Province, Panama


The Herrera Province on the Azuero Peninsula of Panamá has experienced significant deforestation for the purpose of cattle ranching.

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Contextual Analysis of Agroforestry Adoption in the Buffer Zone of Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador


Promoting sustainable agriculture and community development has been an important strategy both to alleviate resource pressures on Ecuador’s Podocarpus National Park (PNP) and surrounding forested areas in its buffer zone, and to aid local communities. However, many contextual factors drive neighboring rural and agricultural communities to put pressure on PNP and the surrounding landscape.

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Contribution to the Restoration of Mixed Forests in Central Vietnam


This article examines reforestation approaches for degraded forests in Central Vietnam and explores a forest management plan in Phong My.

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Applied Nucleation as a Forest Restoration Strategy


To combat deforestation and restore forest cover quickly and efficiently, this article proposes the use of applied nucleation as a restoration strategy. The article reviews research to date on applied nucleation, which is a method for restoring degraded landscapes in which small clusters of shrubs and trees are planted to encourage natural forest regeneration.

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Indigenous Woody Species Diversity in Eucalyptus globulus Labill spp. globulus Plantations in the Ethiopian Highlands


This study evaluates the regeneration of native woody species in eucalyptus plantations in the central highlands of Ethiopia.

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Forest Recovery after Swidden Cultivation across a 40-year Chronosequence in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil


Secondary forest with a range of ages was compared to old growth forest in the Serra do Conduru State Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil in terms of species composition and structure.

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Plantaciones forestales con especies nativas: Una alternativa para la producción de madera y la provisión de servicios ambientales (Native species tree plantations: and alternative for wood production and environmental services)

Se presenta un panorama general del desarrollo de las actividades de plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica, así como algunos resultados de ensayos de rehabilitación de áreas degradadas con especies forestales nativas en la Estación Biológica La Selva. Durante 12 años, se midió anualmente el crecimiento y la producción de biomasa aérea de doce especies nativas en rodales mixtos y puros, como asi también la fertilidad del suelo bajo plantaciones puras de cuatro especies forestales nativas.

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Restoration of a Coastal Swamp Forest in Southeast Brazil


This study evaluates the potential for nine native tree and shrub species for use in the revegetation of degraded swamps in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Research Goals & Methods

Invasive grasses and other vegetation, including the exotic tree Casuarina equisetifolia were removed from the site.

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Growth of dipterocarp seedlings in artificial gaps: An experiment in a logged-over rainforest in South Kalimantan, Indonesia


Regeneration of dipterocarps following logging has become a crucial issue in tropical forest management. Secondary forest frequently and rapidly replaces dipterocarps in large logged-over patches. If unmanaged, these secondary forest patches are often composed of unmerchantable early-succession species. It has been hypothesized that dipterocarps grow most successfully in small gaps.

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Domesticación de cedro y caoba en la Península de Yucatán, México: Experiencias en el mejoramiento del germoplasma forestal (Domestication of cedar and mahogany in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: Experiences in improving forest germplasm)



Existe un déficit en la oferta de madera de caoba que pudiera ser parcialmente remediado a través del control del barrenador de brotes.

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