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Árboles para Neiva. Especies que fortalecen la Estructura Ecológica Principal (Trees for Neiva. Species that strengthen the ecological structure)



El artículo forma parte de la investigación Fortalecimiento de la Estructura Ecológica Principal a partir de la identificación y selección de especies para la arborización urbana, que se lleva a cabo en siete ciudades de Colombia.

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Árboles para Cúcuta. Especies que fortalecen la Estructura Ecológica Principal (Trees for Cucuta. Species that strengthen the ecological structure)



El artículo forma parte de la investigación Fortalecimiento de la Estructura Ecológica Principal a partir de la identificación y selección de especies para la arborización urbana, que se lleva a cabo en siete ciudades de Colombia.

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Árboles Nativos y Ciudad: Aportes a la Silvicultura urbana de Medellín (Native Trees and the City: Lessons from urban silviculture in Medellin)



A pesar de la atención que la silvicultura urbana ha recibido a nivel conceptual en  la ciudad de Medellín, se presentan vacíos en la ejecució de acciones concretas a nivel Municipal. La implementación del Programa de Silvicultura Urbana en la ciudad de Medellín logra resultados hacia la mejora del paisaje urbano a cuatro años de haberse iniciado.

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The Monte Pascoal‐Pau Brasil ecological corridor carbon, community and biodiversity initiative: another carbon offset failure


In 2013, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programs had recently been introduced to governments and conservation groups around the world. Yet, as they were being implemented at increasing rates, traditional forest use practices were vilified while large-scale drives of deforestation were left unaddressed. This was common particularly in Brazil. 

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Restoring tropical forests from the bottom up


Written in 2017, this article acknowledges that numerous countries around the world have committed to restoring large areas of forest in the next decade or so. Given these challenging targets, the authors seeks to understand how they can be met given competing land uses. She draws on several case studies to answer this broad question, including ones from Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. 

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Toward a post‐conflict Colombia: restoring to the future


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Pastures and Cash Crops: Biomass Flows in the Socio-Metabolic Transition of Twentieth-Century Colombian Agriculture


The authors acknowledge that the appropriation of biomass worldwide has significantly increased over the twentieth century, primarily due to the expansion of industrial agriculture. These trends have caused detrimental issues, including soil erosion, a decline in biodiversity, damage to human health, and deforestation. Using Colombia as a case-study, this article presents a long-term estimation of biomass flows. 

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Conserving Biodiversity in a Complex Biological and Social Setting: The Case of Colombia


Colombia is known for its immense biological diversity and complexity. This article examines three of the primary causes of these characteristics, including history, geogrpahy, and evolution along with the context of the country's conservation efforts. The auhors then identified threats based on trends that emerged from these themes.

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A local perspective on drivers and measures to slow deforestation in the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Colombia


The Andean-Amazonian foothills in Colombia are highly valuable economically, ecologically, and socially, yet they continue to be under extreme threat of deforestation. This study aims to identify drivers and trends of this deforestation, using a unique methodological approach, seeking to compliment past monitoring studies with on-the-ground information. 

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Native trees and shrubs for the productive rehabilitation of tropical cattle ranching lands


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Partnering with cattle ranchers for forest landscape restoration


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Riparian forest recovery following a decade of cattle exclusion in the Colombian Andes


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Socioecological transition in the Cauca river valley, Colombia (1943–2010): towards an energy–landscape integrated analysis


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Greening peace in Colombia


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The ecology of peace: preparing Colombia for new political and planetary climates


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Creating space for large‐scale restoration in tropical agricultural landscapes


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Silvopastoral Systems and their Contribution to Improved Resource Use and Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence from Latin America


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Economic and conservation potential of bird-watching tourism in postconflict Colombia


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Green pretexts: Ecotourism, neoliberal conservation and land grabbing in Tayrona National Natural Park, Colombia


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Geographic overlaps between priority areas for forest carbon-storage efforts and those for delivering peacebuilding programs: implications for policy design


Forest-based emmission reductions, such as REDD+, have increasingly been promoted yet the conversation around these initiatives rarely consider opportunities outside the environmental sector. This paper examines one of these opportunities: the interaction between carbon-storage and peacebuilding. Using Colombia as a case-study, the authors investigate the ways in which forest carbon-storage and peacebuilding influence conservation and conflict.

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