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Tree species selection for a mine tailigns bioremediation project in Peru


This article explains a project in southern Peru where tree plantings were used as bioremediation for treating tailings water from a copper mine. A variety of 25 tree species were selected for trial plantings on the site that could also be suitable for fuel and construction wood in the future.

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Designing pest-suppressive multistrata perennial crop systems: shade-grown coffee in Central America


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Shade-grown coffee in Puerto Rico: Opportunities to preserve biodiversity while reinvigorating a struggling agricultural commodity


Coffee has been a traditional crop in Puerto Rico since the mid-1700s. As the global market became more competitive in the 20th century, the Puerto Rican government provided subsidies and policies to protect the sector as well as promoted the transition to shade grown coffee for higher yields in the 1980s. The researchers surveyed 100 farms and 5 agronomists to determine attitudes about this transition.

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Impacts of payments for environmental services on local development in northern Costa Rica: A fuzzy multi-criteria analysis


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Protocol for Monitoring Tropical Forest Restoration: Perspectives from the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil


This article highlights the need for standardized monitoring protocols in forest landscape restoration projects and uses the example of the protocol developed by the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact in Brazil.

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Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests


Tropical forests are extremely important due to the ability to sequester large amounts of carbon and provide habitat for high levels of biodiversity, particularly tree species. Still there is limited understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and carbon. This study seeks to study this relationship and examine the forest attributes and environmental drivers for ecosystem functioning.

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Small-scale disturbance and regeneration dynamics in a neotropical mangrove forest


This study focuses on regeneration dynamics of mangrove species in lightening-created gaps, in the Dominican Republic.

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Variation in the population structure between a natural and a human-modified forest for a pioneer tropical tree species not restricted to large gaps


The study evaluates the distribution of Cyperus floribundus (a long-lived pioneer tree specie) individuals in the gaps and compared the plant density between a primary and an early successional forest to understand the pioneer plant distribution and niche preference under the variable environmental and biotic conditions generated by natural or anthropogenic disturbances.

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Mangrove recruitment after forest disturbance is facilitated by herbaceous species in the Caribbean


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Asymmetric density dependence shapes species abundances in a tropical tree community


This study examined the question: why are some species common in tropical rainforests while others are rare?

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Drug Policy as Conservation Policy: Narco-Deforestation


Central America exploded into prominence as a drug trafficking corridor in the last decade. The authors documented that an unprecedented flow of cocaine into Central America “coincided with a period of extensive forest loss”. The authors discuss the evidence that supports the idea that "trafficking of drugs (principally cocaine) has become a crucial—and overlooked—accelerant of forest loss” in Central America.

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Screening of native plant species for phytoremediation potential at a Hg-contaminated mining site


This study was conducted in one of the most important Artisanal and small-scale (ASGM) gold-mining sites in Colombia, to identify native plant species growing in Mercury contaminated soils used for agricultural purposes, and to assess their potential as phytoremediation systems.

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Tropical Montane Forest Restoration in Costa Rica: Overcoming Bariers to Dispersal and Establishment


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Factors Affecting Mortality and Resistance to Damage Following Hurricanes in a Rehabilitated Subtropical Moist Forest


This study was conducted in the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF), which was previously abandoned pastureland reforested through mixed planting and natural regeneration.

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Targeted habitat restoration can reduce extinction rates in fragmented forests


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Anthropogenic disturbance in tropical forests can double biodiversity loss from deforestation


The authors examined the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances within a forest on the ability of the forest to conserve biodiversity and provide ecosytem services. The research used large data sets of plants, birds, and dung beetles and used them as indicators of biodiversity change in the forest.

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Functional divesity changes during tropical forest succession


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Applied nucleation facilitates tropical forest recovery: Lessons learned from a 15‐year study


This study examines the technique of applied nucleation, which is based on the planting of tree islands, as a means of cost-effective assisted natural regeneration. 

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Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder farmers: Definitions, opportunities and constraints


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Leaf litter arthropod responses to tropical forest restoration


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