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Restauração de áreas degradadas: a nucleação como base para incrementar os processos sucessionais (Restoration of degraded areas: nucleation as a base for augmenting successional processes)

This article includes a general discussion of the rationale and theory behind nucleation as a way to facilitate forest restoration. The authors explain various nucleation techniques, including soil transfer, direct seeding and hydro-seeding, artificial poles, transfer of branches and organic matter, the planting of seedlings in islands of high diversity, and the collection of seeds for maintenance of genetic variability

Open access copy available

Impacto humano afeta negativamente a dispersão de sementes de frutos ornitocóricos: uma perspectiva global (Human impact affects negatively the seed dispersal in ornithochorous fruits: a global perspective)

Open access copy available

Conceitos e Definições Correlatos à Ciência e à Prática da Restauração Ecológica - Glossário e dicionário inglês-português

This resource provides a glossary and dictionary of concepts and vocabulary of reforestation and restoration, including extensive definitions of 170 terms in Portuguese, together with the closest equivalent term in English. It is a useful tool for comprehension of technical and ecological terms in Portuguese and English.

Open access copy available

A regeneração natural como um serviço do ecossistema: uma proposta metodológica para o seu cálculo (Natural regeneration as an ecosystem service: a methodological proposal for its calculation)


This study begins by stating that the economic quantification of ecosystem services is a crucial step towards their sustainable use.

Open access copy available

Manual de recuperação de matas ciliares para produtores rurais (Manual of riparian forests recovery for rural producers)

This technical manual targets farmers and “all those that perceive that the life of people is connected to the life of the forests, the animals, the earth and the rivers”. The guide contemplates many themes related to recovery of degraded areas,  such as: the importance of riparian forests and other types of natural vegetation, technical aspects of the development and implementation of forest restoration activities, and useful tips for the implantation and maintenance of planted riparian areas.

Open access copy available

Normas jurídicas para restauração ecológica: uma barreira a mais a dificultar o êxito das iniciativas? (Juridical norms to ecological restoration: one more barrier to encumber success of initiatives?)

Open access copy available

Restauração florestal: do diagnóstico de degradação ao uso de indicadores ecológicos para o monitoramento das ações (Forest restoration: from the diagnostics of degradation to the use of ecological indicators in the monitoring of actions)

Open access copy available

Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)

Open access copy available

Restauração e monitoramento da mata ciliar e da reserva legal para a certificação agrícola: conservação da biodiversidade na cafeitura (Restoration e monitoring of riparian forests and legal reserve for agricultural certification)

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